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Recommenduthm of tbe Governlug Dody of Ihe Cily or 'lhwuship <br />Recommendadon of the ~overnhl~ board of ~0 "~' ' <br /> On ~_~..~__,~, the govcmhl~ board of II,i~ municipMity, after exmoiytion of Ibis .pplicalion nnd the f~cts, pns~cd <br /> <br />City Auditor or Township Clerk <br /> <br /> Acllon by tile Doard of County Commissioners <br /> <br />Applicnlion was /-- by action of County Board Of Commissioners. <br /> Approv~<l/Rcjecfcd <br /> <br /> Based upon mi examinalion of Ihe facts and the provisions of Norlh Dakota Century Code § 57-23-04, we approve this application. The taxable <br /> <br />valuation ia reduced from $ to $ and the taxes are reduced accordingly, llle laxea, if paid, <br />will be rcitn,ded Io lisa exlent of $ . The Board accepts $ . In Itdl settlement of taxes for tile <br />tax year <br /> <br />We reject this application for tile following reason(s): <br /> <br />Daled <br /> <br />County Auditor Chairperson <br /> <br /> CertificatIon Of Couuty Auditor <br /> I cacti fy lhht Ibe Board of County Commissioners look Ihe action staled above and the records of my office and Ibc office of Ihe County Treasnrer <br />show the following fncls as to the assessment and the paymeot of taxes on the property described in this application. <br /> <br />'l~xable Value <br /> <br />'lhx <br /> <br />Dale Paid <br />(if paid) <br /> <br /> Payment Made <br />Under Written Protest? <br /> <br />~'es/no <br /> <br />I further cerlify thai Ihe taxable vahmtion and tile taxes ordered abated or refunded by the Board of County Commissioner are as follows: <br /> <br /> Year Rednctioo in Taxable Valuation Reduction in Taxes <br /> <br />County Audilor <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br /> <br />