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Schepp, Joyce H. <br />From: Berndt, Keith D. <br />Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:56 PM <br />To: {Cass} - Commissioners <br />Cc: Schepp, Joyce H.; Worden, Heather M.; Montplaisir, Michael M.; Johnson, Bonnie O. <br />Subject: Demonstration Projects in New Federal Highway Bill <br /> <br />Commissioners: <br /> <br />The Commission received a letter this week from the North Dakota Department of Transportation <br />regarding potential demonstration projects in the new highway bill. The letter asked that any <br />Counties wishing to have projects considered as demonstration projects in the next highway bill <br />provide information to the Department of Transportation by February 14, 2003. Since the <br />deadline is before the February 18 Commission meeting, I'd like to discuss this matter on Monday <br />at the Road Advisory Committee meeting. <br /> <br />I'd like to recommend that we ask for demonstration project funding to complete the long term <br />improvements to Cass 17 from West Fargo to Horace. The odds of receiving demonstration <br />funds are probably not very high, but the odds are zero if we don't ask. The total estimated cost <br />of the improvements over the six miles is $26 million. We could add the caveat to our request <br />that with a lesser amount of funding, we could still do part of the six mile stretch. <br /> <br />The Commission should be aware that our request is also a commitment to fund the local 20% if <br />the 80% Federal Funding is approved. <br /> <br />If there is agreement at Monday's Road Advisory Committee meeting on this matter, I'll ask the <br />Chairman to add the following motion to Monday's consent agenda: <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION: <br />AUTHORIZE COUNTY COMMISSION CHAIRMAN TO SIGN LETTER TO THE NORTH <br />DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION REQUESTING THE LONG TERM <br />IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT TO CASS COUNTY 17 BE CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE <br />DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FUNDING AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $26 MILLION. THE <br />LETTER WOULD FURTHER COMMIT CASS COUNTY TO FUND 20% OF THE PROJECT, IF <br />APPROVED. <br /> <br />Keith Berndt <br /> <br /> <br />