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MENTAL HEALTH PUBLIC DEFENDER CONTRACT <br /> <br /> This agreement entered into this ~ day of . ,20 '~-~, by and <br /> <br />between Cass County, Fargo, North Dakota, and here~a/~er referred to as "County", and <br />Ottmar and Ottmar Law Firm, hereinafter referred to as "attorney": <br /> <br /> I. SERVICES COVERED <br /> <br /> The attorney shall provide legal services for all Respondents physically located at the <br />North Dakota State Hospital at Jamestown, North Dakota, who are subject to Mental Health <br />commitment proceedings pursuant to N.D.C.C. 25-03.1 and are venued in Cass County, Fargo, <br />North Dakota; provided, however, such legal services shall be limited to interviewing such <br />Respondents for the sole purpose of determining whether or not they waive or demand any <br />court hearing to which they may be entitled in Cass County District Court and to prepare and <br />sign any necessary written documents evidencing such demand or waiver. It is expressly <br />understood and agreed between the parties hereto that such legal services shall not include the <br />representation of any Respondent in any North Dakota court. <br /> <br /> II. CONTRACT PERIOD <br /> <br /> This agreement shall commence January 1, 2003, and continue through and including <br /> <br />December 31,2003. <br /> <br /> III. COMPENSATION <br /> <br /> The attorney shall be paid the sum of $7,000.00 for the period of January 1,2003, <br />through December 31,2003, payable in equal monthly installments of $583.33 on the last day <br />of January, 2003, and the last day of each month thereafter through the period of December 31, <br />2003. <br /> <br /> IV. COSTS AND EXPENSES <br /> <br /> The attorney shall pay for all costs and expenses incurred in providing contract services <br />except all telephone calls from the attorney to the Clerk of District Court may be called on a <br />collect basis. <br /> <br /> <br />