CASS COUNTY GOV 7012822226
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<br />01/30 '03 12:42 N0.871 03/03
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<br /> This agreement made arid entered into by Cass Coumy, North Dakota, party of tl~ fi-mt part, and
<br />IJ~duslrlal Builder, PO Box _406, Yar~o, ND 581.07-0406 party of the second part (hereinafter called Contractor), WIINESSETI-I:
<br />
<br /> 1. That fOr end i~. consideration of the paym.ent~ to be mach~ by the party of the first part, the contracwr i;n'omises and agrees to
<br />furnish and deliver all. labor, equiprn~nt, and materials, and to pay or cause to be paid as they become ~p.% all el~ims for any work,
<br />labor, materials, equipment, including equipment rental Or r~air, and other supplies or h~surance pr~mh,m~, all of which arc
<br />attributable tO or utilized in and about the improvement and construction of Projact No. TB020~) , Is. accordance and in ~n.formity
<br />with th~ provisions of this co~twact arid bond, the project proposal, the standard specification, supplemental specifications, special
<br />provisions, and the limits of the project az shown in the plans approved by C~s County's l~ngineer ~2002, a length of
<br />0.036 milos, the originals are on. file at th~ Cass County I-IiSb.way Department, and all of which are hereby made apart of this
<br />agreement as fully and to the same effect as ift~e same had been set forth, in. the body ofthLs agree-anent Refere. aces in the Standard
<br />Specifications for Road and Bridge Cons _~__ctio~__, 2002 edition, to the North Dakota D,partm.ent of Transportation or Department must
<br />be construed as rcfening to t. be owner. Likewise, a reference by the same work, to engJ=,er or director must be construed az referring
<br />to the owner oft. be project.
<br />
<br /> 2. The party of the first part agrees and promi~ez to pay ~o the Contractor for said work, wh, n completed and accepted in
<br />accordance with the provisions of this contract, ~.¢ pri. c~ set forth in the said proposal, amounting approxirnat~ly to
<br /> S_~_ty_-si,.x. Thousand Six Hundred Ninety. and No/100 ($ 66,690.00 ), payments to be made as provided m said specifications upon
<br />presentation of the proper certificates of thc County Engin~r, or hi~ r,presentativcs, and under thru ~ o£tbis contract.
<br />
<br /> 3. The said work shall be done in. accordance with thc t~rm,~ of this contract, and fha laws of thc Stat~ of North Dalmm, under
<br />direct supervision and to the entire satisfaction oftlm County Highway Department, subject at all fi~os to the ir~spection and approval
<br />of thc
<br />
<br /> 4. Thc decision of tho engineer upou questions cormectcd with the execution, of. this agreement or any failure or delay
<br />prosecution of the work by the Contractor shall be final and conclusive.
<br />
<br /> $. In the employment of labor, other things being equal, preference shall, be given to honorably dischar, g~l Veterans of the
<br />Armed Fomcs, and bona fide North Dakota residents, as d~t~rmined by NDCC Section. 43-07-20.
<br />
<br /> 6. The Contractor shall begin construction work when so ordered by the Cass County Highway Depa~at a~d shall maintain
<br />at ali times tiler, eon a maximum, and efficient working force necessary to complete the work within the time e~tablished by this oonlract
<br />
<br />of
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<br />IN WITNESS TH£KEOF, the panies to this contract have set their Mags and seal ti~
<br /> 2003.
<br />
<br />day
<br />
<br />
<br />Chairman, Cass County Board of Commission. ers
<br />
<br />
<br />Contractor
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />Title
<br />
<br />,,l:~ DM ~ N -ENOWROSP. C l'fi'~L~6.S^ NT TWP EIIUDOP. I $ .:~T..CO R R .P..,,q PON DI~:N~'rCTRA CT Ti~2~,g .Vt L-'m~L PILINO.IXT~
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