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[FORM OF LEGAL OPIhrlON] <br /> <br />Wells Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC <br />Public Finance Division <br />Northstar East Building, 9~h Floor <br />MAC: N9303-095 <br />608 Second Avenue South <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota 55479 <br /> <br />Ladies and Gentlemen: <br /> <br /> As counsel for Cass County, ("Lessee"), I have examined tbe Governmental Lease-Purchase Master <br />Agreement dated November 11, 2002 and Supplement dated November 11, 2002 ("Agreement"), between <br />the Lessee and Wells Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC ("Lessor"), and such other documents, instruments and <br />records as I have considered relevant. Based upon such examination, and such research and investigation as <br />I deemed necessary, I am of thc opinion that: <br /> <br /> 1) Lessee is a State or political subdivision thereof, and Lessee's obligation under the Agreement <br /> constitutes an obligation issued on behalf of a State or political subdivision thereof, and that the <br /> interest component of the payments to be made under said Agreement is exempt Federal <br /> income taxes under Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code as amended, and that said <br /> Agreement and ali terms m~d provisions thereof are authorized by the Constitution, laws and <br /> regulations of the State of North Dakota, and governing the activities of Lessee, and Lessee has <br /> the power and authority to enter into this transaction contemplated by the Agreement and to <br /> carry out its obligation thereunder. <br /> <br />2) That thc Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Lessee in <br /> accordance with all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, and in oonformity with all legal <br /> procedures governing the transaction contemplated by said Agreement, and said Agreement <br /> constitutes a valid and binding agreement enforceable in accordance with its terms and <br /> represents a valid, deferred payment obligation for the amounts and in the manner those amounts <br /> are to be paid as set forth thereth. <br /> <br />3) No approval, consent or withholding of objection is required from any governmental body or <br /> authority or any other person, firm or corporation with respect to the entering into or <br /> performance by Lessee of the terms of this Agreement and the transaction contemplated thereby, <br /> or if any such approval is required, it has been obtained. <br /> <br /> <br />