a. POC/deferred comp amendmnt
County Commission
Consent agenda
a. POC/deferred comp amendmnt
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when such person has a Plan Joan outstanding, the principal and any accrued interest with respect to such <br />loan shall be deducted from the amount of the distribution, If the amount of such distribution is r~ot sufficient <br />to repay the outstanding balance of the loan (including principal and accrued interest), the Participant, or his <br />or her estate, if applicable, shall be liable for and shall continue to make payments on any baJance stiII due <br />from him or her. ' <br /> <br />5. Lean Amortization. Each Joan shall be amortized in substantiaIly equal payments consisting of <br />principal and interest dudng the term of the Icon. Payments of principal and interest shall be made in a <br />manner and pursuant to the terms set forth in the loan agreement on a monthly basis in equal amounts, <br />except that the amount of the fina~ payment may be higher or lower. Before the Joan is made, the Participant <br />will be notified of the date on which the [irst payment will be deducted and the dates on which subsequent <br />payments are due. <br /> <br />6. Loan Frequency/Renegotiatiens. Each Participant may have only one (1) Plan loan outstanding <br />at any given time. A Plan loan which is in default, even if the defaulted loan was treated as a "deemed <br />distribution" under federal regulations, shall be Ireated as an outstanding loan until such Participant's <br />account balance is offset by the amount of pdncipa~ and accrued interest under the loan. NRS shalI offset a <br />defaulted loan at any fime that is administratively practicable, including but not limited to severance from <br />employment by the Participant or upon a request for a distribution from the Plan. A Participant will be <br />granted a loan no more frequently than two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period. Under no <br />circumstances may Joan terms be renegotiated, A new loan shall not be granted prior to the repayment of <br />an outstanding loan. <br /> <br />7. Default. The Participant must pay the full amount of each payment (principal and interest) on the <br />date that it is due by having su~cient funds in the account designated for loan payments through the ACH <br />process. If NRS is unable to process a payment on the date due because the Participant fails to have <br />sufficient funds in the account on that date, NRS will assess a fee of $25.00 that will be deducted from <br />Participant's account(s) and will send wdtten notification to the Participant. The Participant shaII be in <br />default for the entire amount of the loan UNLESS the Participant does each of the following: I) contacts <br />NRS at the Deferred Compensation Service Center, 2) mutually agrees with NRS on a date, which is within <br />38 days of the missed payment an which funds sufficient to cover the missed payment will be in the account <br />and; 3) actually pays the missed payment. Failure to make such a payment through mutually agreeable <br />terms shall cause the Participant to be in default for the entire amount of the loan. No additionaI loans shall <br />be made to a Participant who has defaulted on a Plan loan and who has not repaid all defaulted loans in <br />full, including accrued interest and fees. <br /> <br />8. Loan Prepayment. The entire amount of a loan, including outstanding principal and any accrued <br />interest, may be paid without penalty prior to the end of the term of the loan fn the manner prescribed by <br />NRS. However, payments rr~ade that are less than the remaining principal amount of the loan and any <br />accrued interest with respect to the loan, or which are not paid in the form prescribed by NRS, are not <br />permitted. <br /> <br />9. Loan Security. By accepting a Ioan, the Participant is giving a security interest in their vested Plan <br />balance as of the date of the Loan Process Date, together with all additions thereof, to the Plan that shall at <br />all times be equal to 100% of the unpaid principal balance of the Icon together with accrued interest. <br /> <br />10. Maximum/Minimum Loan Amount. The maximum amounl of any loan permitted under the Plan is <br />the lesser of (i) 50% of the Parlicipant's vested account balance (not including any value attributable to <br />applicable life insurance or deemed IRA account) less any outstanding Ioan balances under the Plan or <br />$50,000 less the highest outstanding Ioal~ balance during the preceding one-year period. The minimum loan <br />amount permitted is $1,000.00' Loans shall be made in accordance with these limits and those limits <br />imposed under federal regulations without regard to any other loans received by the Participant from any <br /> <br /> <br />
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