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REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />DECEMBER 2, 1986 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with all members <br />present as follows: Jeannette Stanton, Don Eckert, Oscar Sondrall, <br />Ray Larson and Alon Wieland. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the minutes of <br />the previous meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. <br />Upon the request of County Extension Agent Rudy Radke, Mr. Eckert <br />moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the recommendation of the Salary <br />Review Committee to allow Virginia Montgomery to work full -time in <br />place of Patty Flaagan, who has requested to work part -time, be <br />accepted with the exception that the salary for each be based upon <br />the 1986 figures until such time as salaries are changed for 1987. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved reported that the County Social Services Board <br />recommended that the County Commission contribute funds to assist <br />with the deficit of the Island Park Activity Center, as Social Services <br />could not change their budget line items at this time. Mr. Larson <br />moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that Cass County contribute $10,000 <br />to the Island Park Activity Center from the 1986 County Contigency <br />Fund. Commissioners Sondrall and Eckert suggested contributing <br />$5, 000 since the Commission feels that the State of North Dakota should <br />be contributing a greater percentage to the program. At the call <br />for the question and upon roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Proposals for indigent defense services for Cass County Court <br />were received from William Kirschner Associates, Mark A. Beauchene, <br />Steven D. Mottinger and James F. Lester for the period of January <br />1, 1987 through December 31, 1987. Mr Wieland suggested that County <br />Judge Cynthia Rothe would have no problem with retaining the three <br />present public defenders. Mr. Larson suggested that James F. Lester' s <br />name be placed on file. Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded <br />that the Chairman be authorized to sign contracts with William <br />Kirschner Associates, Mark A. Beauchene and Steven D. Mottinger <br />for indigent defense in Cass County Court at a sum of $16,500 each <br />for the year 1987. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />A letter of thanks was received from United Blood Services to <br />employees of the Cass County Courthouse for donating blood during <br />a recent blood drive. <br />Due to the recent resignation of County Court Reporter Kelly <br />Kroke effective December 19, 1986, Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton <br />seconded that the County Court Administrator be authorized to hire <br />a court recorder in salary grade 5 to replace one of the court reporter <br />positions. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. <br />Wieland asked Commissioner Stanton to assist with court recording <br />equipment. <br />