County Commission
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Island Park Activi- <br />ty Center req. for <br />financial assist. <br />from Lutheran <br />Social Services <br />Rd. Dept. computer <br />software licensing <br />agreement <br />Cass County Housing <br />Auth. vacancy disc. <br />Appt. delayed on <br />Co. Planning Comm. <br />Sale of Annex disc. <br />re: asbestos <br />removal <br />Cthse. north wing <br />remodeling and <br />south wing <br />construction- <br />change orders apprvd <br />Annex parking lot- <br />proposal to lease <br />Proposal to purchase <br />copy machines dept's <br />to supply info. on <br />service contracts <br />equip. leases <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with all members present as follows: Jeannette <br />Stanton, Don Eckert, Alon Wieland, Oscar Sondrall and Ray Larson. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Howard Barlow appeared before the Board to request financial assistance for the. Island Park <br />Activity Center, which is a place for socialization, recreation and counseling for about 360 <br />developmentally disabled persons. Mr. Barlow is Director of Development at Lutheran Social Services, <br />which is a private agency who has a very deep concern for these people. He stated that the Island Park <br />Activity Center has lost a great deal of funding from a large grant, but his agency wishes to continue to <br />provide their share of administrative support. He requested $25,000.00 from Cass County, and he stated <br />that the City of Fargo indicated the possibility of contributing $20,000.00. <br />Mr. Mike Ries, Director of Progamming at Lutheran Social Services, stated that he spoke to the <br />County Social Services Director about funds for the Island Park Activity Center from the Community <br />Survival Program, but he was informed that there were none available. Mr. Ries stated that he has <br />pursued State funding for over two years but was told this is not a State problem, but a local and <br />community problem. Mr. Wieland suggested asking someone from the North Dakota Human Services Department <br />to appear before the County Commission to explain their position. In closing, the Commission stated that <br />they have tentatively placed funds in the 1987 County budget and will discuss it during the Social <br />Services budget hearing. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the licensing <br />agreement with Proper Engineering, Inc. for computer software for the County Road Department, as <br />presented by Data Processing Manager Richard Offutt. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />The Commission received a letter from Mr. Sanfred Ostlund of West Fargo seeking appointment to the <br />Cass County Housing Authority. Last week, the Commission received the name of Bill Grieve of Buffalo for <br />possible appointment. Mr. Eckert stated that he has had some inquiries about the vacancy, and he <br />requested that the appointment be delayed until next week. <br />Mr. Larson asked that the one remaining appointment to the Cass County Planning Commission from <br />Commission District #3 be delayed. Concerning reimbursement for the Advisory Board, Mr. Larson moved and <br />Mrs. Stanton seconded that the County reimburse the Advisory Board for mileage and expenses comparable to <br />the County Planning Commission members. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. R. Jay Spooner, Broker Associate of Tower Corporation, appeared before the Board as a potential <br />bidder on the Cass County Annex building, and he expressed concern that it would cost about $45,000.00 <br />for asbestos removal in the basement if the area were to be remodeled. He requested more accurate <br />figures from the County on the cost of removal and a written description of the presence, or absence, of <br />asbestos; and he suggested that the information be disbursed to all potential bidders if possible. The <br />Commission requested Administrative Assistant Scott Krueger to provide copies of information from K &L <br />Construction concerning removal of asbestos ceiling plaster in December, 1984, to all potential bidders. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to approve Change Order M -2 in the amount of $343.00 for <br />electrical control thermostats in the north wing remodeling project. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Sondrall moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve Change Order E -2 in the amount of $3,075.00. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve Change Order E -3 in the amount of $663.00. On <br />roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to approve Change Order M -3 in the amount of $5,350.00. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to approve Change Order E -10 in the amount of $1,231.00 <br />for the south wing. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Scott Krueger presented an agreement from International Center, Ltd. proposing to lease the Cass <br />County Annex parking lot during evenings and weekends at a cost of $360.00 per month beginning January 1, <br />1987. Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve the agreement subject to new ownership if <br />the County sells the Annex. The Chairman asked for States Attorney Robert Hoy's opinion, and Mr. Hoy <br />stated that he would like to review the document further. He noted that one item in the agreement <br />indicated that the County would be responsible for snow removal, and the Commission stated that this <br />would not be acceptable. Mr. Larson withdrew his motion and Mrs. Stanton withdrew the second. Scott <br />Krueger was instructed to return the agreement and suggest that they make a new proposal to the County. <br />Scott Krueger presented a proposal to purchase two photo copy machines now leased by the Sheriff and <br />by the Register of Deeds and to purchase one new photo copy machine for the Auditor's and Treasurer's <br />Offices, all at a cost of $12,219.00. The Commission asked Mr. Krueger to send a memo to all department <br />heads requesting them to supply information on service contracts and equipment leases in their <br />departments. <br />
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