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Mr. Clayton Schultz, Reed Township Officer, asked for assistance <br />from Cass County regarding the building up of a township road since <br />the removal of a bridge in Section 30 as this was the only exit for <br />ten families in that area in case of a flood. A rough estimate of <br />$7,000.00 was given just for dirt work and no gravel. Also, proper <br />drainage would have to be considered. An actual proposal will be <br />submitted following the recommendations of Mr. Clayton Schultz, Mr. <br />Don Eckert and Mr. Don Richards, Cass County Road Engineer. <br />Upon the request of Mr. Glenn Ellingsberg, Disaster Emergency <br />Services, and Mr. John Welton, Safety Consultant, Mr. Sondrall moved <br />and Mrs Stanton seconded to approve the present contract in the amount <br />of $500.00 per month until the end of December, 1987. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that Voucher Nos. <br />64,832 through 66,091 be approved and ordered paid. On roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Following further discussion on the five Extension Agent <br />Employees' Salaries who are receiving County funds, Mr. Larson moved <br />and Mrs. Stanton seconded to use the standard policy that was set <br />for the rest of County employees at 3.7% effective July 1, 1986. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to delay raises for <br />twelve employees at Social Services mandated by the State of North <br />Dakota to be instituted July, 1, 1986, and now delayed until January <br />1, 1987. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to receive and file <br />the financial statement from the Southeast Water Management Office. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to authorize the <br />Chairman and the Auditor to sign the RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION <br />OF BOND BANK PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT on financing short -term cash <br />flow deficits which are expected to occur in the County General, County <br />Highway, County Poor, County Jail, Veterans Service Officer, <br />Promotional Advertising, County Agent, Health District and Noxious <br />Weed Control for 3% interest until April 15, 1987. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. A copy of the resolution is on file <br />in the office of the County Auditor. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to approve payment <br />for the rotunda artwork restoration services in the amount of $7,600.00 <br />to be paid from the Robert Reed Restoration Fund. On roll call vote, <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to approve payment <br />to Clark Holman and Moorhead, Ltd. in the amount of $13,564.00 for <br />professional services in the remodeling of the North Wing Addition <br />which is 80% of what was allowed. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />