c. Permit for raffles
County Commission
Consent agenda
c. Permit for raffles
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6/28/2005 3:03:07 PM
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6/28/2005 2:07:08 PM
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<br />Jun 28 05 12:38p <br />\lUI " , I U'" lUUJ".,,,,. .." <br /> <br />Red River Valle~ Fair <br />J.n.,., 'U'.L ~'!.... .I, ~u ,",.n..,~ '"'''UJ..i... <br /> <br />701 282 6808 <br />~uu.n, LCJUU~~ <br /> <br />p.3 <br />..- ""'""u <br /> <br />- " pRIzE RE~tn9~~: <br />. <br />A single.caSh prize cannot-exceed $1,ooD and total cash prizes for a raffle cannot exceed $3,000 in one day. <br />The retail value of a men:l'\andise prize cannot exceed $2,500. <br />. . ~ ," . <br />The total of aD cash prizes. and retail value, of all merc;hand'"lSe prizes for all gamei$' camot exceed $12,000 in a fiscal year July 1 <br />through June 30." . <br />. "- <br />If the value of the planned cash and merchandise prizes exceeds $12,OOO.1he orDanization must reduce the J;or1zes to this limit or <br />apply fer a state license wlth 1he Office of Attorney General. <br /> <br />LOCAl PERMIT AND CHARITY LOCAL PERMn-: <br />The major dtferences between a IclCaI permit anc:l charity Iocs\ permit are: <br />~I Permit <br /> <br />Number of evera per yetiIr <br />Must file an information ieport <br />May pay employees ccmpensallan <br />Must use chips as wagers <br />Use cI net income <br /> <br />, UmiIed by prizes <br /> <br />CharitY Local Permit <br />One <br /> <br />No <br /> <br />Yes <br />No <br />y.." <br /> <br />Yes <br /> <br />Restric:l8d <br /> <br />BiIVl <br />Raffles <br />SporIS PQDIs <br />Poker <br />1Wenty.<<le <br />Paddll!"rlheels <br /> <br />Compared to a "local pennit: an organizdcn With a "charity Ioc8I pennlt" may conduct 3 more game types, but is ,.strided 10 1 event per <br />year. must file an information report with !he city or county and OfIice of Attorney Genel3l. and mus1 disburse net income IE> eligible uses. <br />These uses are described by Narth 0a1l:Dta Century Code S 53-06.1-11.1 (2) and North DaIu1ta Admln\stra1iY8 Cede 5 99-01.3-1.c.a2.. Refer <br />to 1he backside of 1118 "Report an a Charity Local Permit'" form for a gemnr list of eligible uses. <br /> <br />No <br />Unreslrictecl <br /> <br />Games allawed <br /> <br />Bingo <br />RafIIes <br />Sports pcaIa <br /> <br />For a charity local permit, one mett1Dd to ensure that the total or all cash prizes lIncJ retail value or all men:Nlndise prizes do not e'"*KI <br />$12.,000 is to charge each player a stilndald amcunt at the start of the event fora cel1ain number Dr Wlue of chips. If it player Ic&es all of the <br />player's chipS, the player mBy re-buy chips. The player would play games and, at the end of the evena. the ora"tion would auction <br />merchand'ase prizes to h player.;. 111e pIIIlyer whO bid the highest nunber or vlllue of chipc for a prize wcUd win that prize. For thOse <br />players who have ctIips but did not $uccessfuIJy bid on a priza. the organization may redeem the chips far a predetennined cash value per <br />chip. For lhis method, the value of players' chips redeemed for casta Is not a prize. .- <br /> <br />INFORMAllON REQUIRED TO BE PREPRINTED ON A STANDARD RAFFLE TICKET: <br /> <br />1. Name of arganizallon; <br />2. TICket number. <br />3. Price of lhe ticket, including any d"lSCOUnted price; <br />4. Prize, description of an optjonaI prize selec:table by a winning player, or option to (X)R\/ert a merchandlut prize to a cash prtze <br />that Is nmiled to the lesser of the value of the merchandise prize or one thousand dollars. tblw8ll8l'. if there is insufficient <br />space on a ticket to list each minor prize that has a nail price not exceeding fiflllen dollars. an cxganlzilflon may state 1he total <br />number of minor priz8$ and their 10tiI retail price: <br />5. For a licensed organization, pint "oIIice of at1Dmey generar and license number. For an ~ that has a psnnit,. print <br />the a\J1horiZing city or COIX'lly IInd permit number; . <br />6. A statement that a person is not required 10 be pnlSeI1t at a dnlWing to win; . <br />7. Date and time of the drawing or drawingS and, if the winning p111Yfl" is announced later. date and time of that announcement.. <br />For a calendar ndIIe. if the drawings are on a same day or the week or month, print the day and time r:llhe ~: " <br />8. Location and street addreu of the dl1llWing: . <br />9. If iii merchandise prIZe requires II title lransfer involvi~ the department of transportation. a stlllement \hat . winni~ player is <br />or is not liable for sales or U&8 tax; . , . " . <br />10. If a pun::hase of a ticlcet or Winning prize is l1!Stricted 10 a person of minimum age, a statement tbat a persDn must be at least <br />M_" years of age to buy a ticket. or win a prize; " <br />11. A statement that a purchase of the ticket is not: II d1aritable donalion; . <br />12.. If a secondary prize is an unguaranteed cash or merchandise prize, iii statement ttlBt the prize is not guaranteed to be won and <br />odds of winning the prize based QI'l numbers Df chances; and . <br />13. If II priZe is live beef or dairy c:atISe~ bisan, sheep or pig, a statement that the wiMing player may conYelt the prize to a cash <br />prize that i5 limited to the lesser of the value of the animal Dr one thoUsand doBars. . <br />
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