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MIDA Bonds for <br />former Sacred Heart <br />Convent RESOLUTION <br />approving issuance <br />Reappointments to <br />County Planning; <br />to Human Services <br />Board; Frank Richard <br />as Co. Surveyor; <br />and County Park <br />Board members <br />Public Defender <br />contracts awarded <br />for 1986- -disc. on <br />amount, but it will <br />remain the same as <br />for 1985 <br />State Hist. Board- <br />Bd. invited to a mtg <br />to review nomination <br />to State Hist.Sites <br />Registry <br />Court reporting <br />equip. to be leased <br />Data Processing <br />Manager, Richard <br />Offutt, hired <br />Agreement for maint. <br />of fire ext. equip. <br />s r701113, <br />Committee reports were given. <br />On motion by Mr. Sondrall and seconded by Mr. Eckert, the meeting was adjourned. <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />DECEMBER 20, 1985 <br />Chairman Ray Larson called the meeting to order and upon roll call, all members were present. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting of December 17, <br />1985 be approved as written. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Richard Kluzak appeared before the Board with representatives of the Sisters of the <br />Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to request issuance and approval of MIDA Bonds in the amount of <br />$10,000,000 for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the former Sacred Heart Convent into elderly living <br />units. Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to authorize the Chairman to sign the RESOLUTION <br />RELATING TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1955; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING <br />THE RIVERVIEW PLACE PROJECT, AND THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS THEREFORE; this <br />being subject to the approval of the States Attorney. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Said resolution being on file in the office of the County Auditor. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to reappoint Fred Selberg, L.E. Berger and Victor <br />Knudson to the Cass County Planning Commission for four year terms to expire December 31, 1989. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to reappoint Alvin Johnson and Maura Jones to the Human <br />Services Board for two -year terms to expire December 31, 1987. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Appointments to the Cass County Salary. Review Committee will be postponed until the next regular <br />Commission meeting. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that Frank Richard be reappointed as County Surveyor <br />for 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to reappoint Keith Monilaws and Wayne Kyser to the Cass <br />County Park Board for 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Proposals were received for indigent defense services for Cass County Court. Mr. Wieland reported <br />that County Court has commended the three present public defenders as they feel they are doing a <br />competent and fair job in representing the clients who are assigned to them. There has been a request by <br />these three attorneys to increase the contract amount, but the Commission advertised for proposals at the <br />rate of $15,000 annually for each of the three attorneys or group of attorneys. Mrs. Stanton moved and <br />Mr. Eckert seconded that Attorneys Steve Mottinger, Mark Beauchene and William Kirschner be reappointed <br />as Cass County Indigent Defense Counsel for 1986. It was suggested that they appear before the Board at <br />budget time next year to request an increase in the contract amount. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Correspondence was received from the State Historical Society inviting the Board's attendance at <br />the February 6, 1986, meeting of the State Historical Board for the purpose of reviewing a nomination of <br />the Cass County Courthouse, Jail and Sheriff's Residence for listing in the North Dakota State Historic <br />Sites Registry. Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs,. Stanton seconded to receive and file the letter and seriously <br />consider having the full Commission in attendance at that meeting. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that Commissioners Stanton and Wieland be authorized to <br />negotiate a 90 -day lease option on a court reporting machine. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to hire Richard Offutt of Fargo as manager of data <br />processing for Cass County at an annual salary of $36,000.00, commencing approximately three weeks from <br />December 30th. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the System <br />Service Agreement with Nardini Fire Equipment for maintenance of fire extinguisher equipment in the <br />Courthouse lunch counter at a cost of $90.00 annually. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />