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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />623G <br />A study on the soil failure problems in this area was done by the Moore Engineering Company about 3 <br />years ago which was implemented by the Southeast Cass Water Resource District and promoted by Bob <br />Johnson, Fargo Parks Superintendent. Kip Moore stated that the findings were presented to the <br />Metropolitan Council about 1i years ago and it was unanimously approved to investigate the possibility of <br />a channel change and low water dam to try to stabilize the area. However, concern was expressed whether <br />this would cause flood conditions upstream or downstream particularly on the Minnesota side. <br />Mr. Jim McLaughlin is Chairman of the Metropolitan Council of Governments Water Resources Committee <br />which is presently doing a study which should be completed in about two weeks. It will include some <br />recommendations and alternative solutions to the problem in the Trollwood Park area. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to authorize the Metropolitan Council of Governments to <br />proceed with the Application for a grant in the amount of $160,990.00 from the Community Development <br />Block Grant Emergency Fund for the purpose of moving all 365 remains from Cemetery #3 at Trollwood Park <br />to another cemetery. The motion carried on roll call vote with Mrs. Stanton, Mr. Wieland and Mr. Larson <br />voting "Aye Mr. Eckert opposing. <br />Mr. John Meyer, Veterans Service Officer, appeared to request the County Commission to reconsider <br />their decision to move his office from the Annex to the Courthouse or at least post-pone final action <br />until receipt of the report from the task force for the County Government Study. The Commission felt <br />they are solving a long -range plan by moving the Veterans Service Office to the Courthouse, where <br />Social Services will also be located with the construction of the proposed south addition. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve payment of $264.24 to Lightowler Johnson <br />Associates for consulting engineering services for the Chrisan and Chrisan 2nd Subdivisions Street <br />Improvement District. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to pay the additional premium in the amount of $232.00 <br />to the Dawson Insurance Agency for vehicles added to the County's automobile policy during the period of <br />August, 1983 to August, 1984. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman and Auditor be authorized to sign the <br />County Deeds for the sale of lots to the City of Horace for $1.00, and to cancel the 5 -year delinquent <br />taxes in the amount of $585.99. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman and the Auditor be authorized to sign <br />the RESOLUTION AMENDING BOND BANK PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, a copy of which is on file in the office of <br />the County Auditor. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to receive and file the following Officer's Reports for <br />March, 1985: Motion carried unanimously. <br />Clerk of Court <br />County Court <br />Register of Deeds <br />Sheriff <br />Veterans Service Office <br />5,893.50 <br />$23,876.47 <br />$12,337.60 <br />8,007.23 <br />The Chairman received correspondence from Employment Advisors, Inc. quoting a fee of $150.00 per <br />position and a completion date of no later than August 1, 1985 for an evaluation of County department <br />heads. Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to proceed with having Mr. Joe Novak of Employment <br />Advisors, Inc. do an evaluation of the 15 elected officials and department heads of Cass County as <br />outlined in his letter of April 4, 1985. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Upon written request from the Kindred Area Ambulance Service, Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Wieland <br />seconded to pay an additional $1,000.00 for the year 1985 to the Kindred Area Ambulance Service for <br />medical equipment in the ambulance. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland reported that he hired a firm at a cost of $425.00 to install the concrete <br />splash blocks underneath the downspouts around the Courthouse, and he is investigating repairs to the <br />blacktop at the end of the north and south driveways. <br />On motion by Mr. Wieland, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. <br />Metro Council auth. <br />to proceed with grant <br />appl. for cemetery <br />relocation <br />VSO requests Co.Comm. <br />to reconsider moving <br />his office to Cthse. <br />Chrisan Chrisan 2nd <br />Subd. payment to <br />Lightowler Johnson <br />Ins. premium-- addtl. <br />for vehicles added <br />to Co. policy <br />Sale of Tax Forfeited <br />lots to Horace <br />Resolution signed <br />amending Bond Bank <br />Participation <br />Officer's Reports <br />for March <br />Salaries of Dept. <br />Heads- -Joe Novak <br />to proceed with <br />evaluation <br />Kindred Amb. Service <br />to receive addtl. <br />$1,000.00 <br />Cthse concrete <br />splash blocks to <br />be installed <br />