County Commission
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Commission Minutes--August 14, 2002 2485 <br /> <br />Regarding PC software, Mr. Montplaisir included money in next year's budget to upgrade <br />the LaserFiche system to allow for 10 full licenses, instead of the current two, in order to <br />utilize the system in other county departments besides the Commission Offlce. The PC <br />software line item also includes the GovDocs renewal, and Ms. Johnson said the first six <br />months of this program have been phenomenal as far as usage reports. <br /> <br />Humane Society <br />Lynette Kohler, Executive Director of The Humane Society, Inc., was present and requested <br />an increase from $'i,000.00 to $1,500.00 for 2003. She provided statistics on the agency's <br />animal adoption program for the year 2001~ Ms. Kohler said the main reason for requesting <br />an increase is to implement a spaying and neutering program for all Humane Society <br />animals before they go to a new home~ <br /> <br />Auditor <br />Mr. Montplaisir said the printing and forms line item in his budget increased substantially <br />from 2002 because some items were moved from the Commission and Information Services <br />budgets to the Auditor's budget, where it is more appropriately placed. <br /> <br />Under software, the fixed asset system needs to be updated in order to comply with new <br />reporting requirements. Under computer equipment, he hopes to purchase a CD duplicator <br />to speed up the process of copying CD's for commission meeting packets, and to purchase <br />a scanner to eliminate some of the paper shuffle in his office. <br /> <br />Replacement of office chairs and a rolling file system in the vault for records storage are <br />included in the office equipment line item. <br /> <br />Mr. Montplaisir said it will be an off year for elections, except for the Fargo School District <br />next year, and they will then become synchronized with other state and county elections. <br />The other expense in the election budget is the purchase of precinct scanners. <br /> <br />Noxious Weed and Vector Control <br />Darwin Hinrichs said changes in the Weed Control budget include a request for a seasonal <br />secretarial position so the salary line item was increased by $2,000.00. The chemical line <br />item is higher next year due to price increases. He is requesting a second GPS monitoring <br />system and a used truck to replace the one driven by the Weed Supervisor, Donald Russif. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked about the Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum) plant, which was added to the <br />State's list of noxious weeds. Mr. Hindchs said his department is informing residents that it <br />is illegal to own the plant, and it must be removed. <br /> <br />Mr. Hindchs said half of the salary for the seasonal secretarial position in the Weed budget <br />is included in the Vector budget because the person would answer the telephones for both <br />departments. The chemical line item is also higher because they are treating more areas. <br />One additional computer is being requested, as well as purchasing a ULV Faggot and a <br />sound machine to kill mosquito larvae and pupae, He said the cost of the sound kill <br />machine is $5-6,000.00 now but may be higher when it goes to production if more features <br />are added. There was a consensus among the Commissioners to reduce the mosquito <br />sound kill equipment item from $10,000.00 to $7,500.00, to more realisfically reflect the <br />purchase price. <br /> <br /> <br />
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