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Auditor <br /> <br />Michael Montplaisk, CPA <br /> 701-241-5601 <br /> <br />Treasurer <br /> <br />Charlotte Sandvlk <br />701-241-5611 <br /> <br /> Director of <br />Equalization <br /> <br /> Frank Klein <br /> 701-241-5616 <br /> <br />Box2806 <br />211 Nin~Sm~ Seth <br />Fmgo, Nor& l)akom 58103 <br /> <br />ASSESSMENT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER <br />OF ASSESSMENT BY COUNTY AUDITOR <br /> OF OMITTED PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION <br /> STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF CASS <br /> <br />To Brenda Rosdalzl <br /> <br />16355 19th Street SE <br /> <br />Gardner ND 58036-9631 <br /> <br />You are hereby notified that the following described property, according to the records of <br />this office, has been omitted from assessment and taxation for the years indicated <br />opposite the description of said property; that in conformhty witt~ my duty m~der the law <br />as specifically directed under provisions of North Dakota Century Code 57-14, I have <br />assessed the property described herein at the valuation entered opposite the dascdpfion of <br />said property for cach of the years in which assessment and taxation has been omitted: <br /> <br />40-0000-05421-020 <br />part of SW 1/4 <br />7.4 acre tract in 5-142-50 <br /> <br />2002 56,700 <br /> <br />You are hereby notified that you may appear at the Office of the Cass County Auditor, <br />Cass County Courthouse, Fargo, North Dakota, at 10:00 AM, on the 3rd day of <br />September, 2002, to show cause, if any, why such property should not be added to the <br />assessment rolls and assessed and taxed for the ycm's in which assessment and taxation <br />was omitted as stated above. The Parm residence cxemption has expired and the above is <br />a prorated assessment for 8 months. <br /> <br />The assessment of the above described property as made by me will be reviewed and <br />equalized by the board of county commisaioners at their next regular meeting on <br />September 3, 2002. <br /> <br />If you have any questions, call Michael Montplaisir, Cass County Auditor at 24i -5601, <br />or Frank Klein, Cass Cotmty Director of Equalization at 241-5617. <br /> <br />Given under my hand and sc?~l this 21st day of August, 2002. <br /> Cass County Auditor <br /> <br />Move to add a 7.4 acre tract in the SW ¼ of 5-142-50, Gardner Township, as omitted <br />property in the amount of $56,700, according to notice sent from the county auditor to <br />Brenda Rosdahl of Gardner, North Dakota, <br /> <br />FAX 701.7~1.5728 <br /> <br /> <br />