County Commission
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<br /> <br /> <br />5874: <br /> <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTX, NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />-. --~~__..:"..~i!J\I liT- ~. ~IIiTL'19~9q,.~fX~<),<?;~^-.~:Q;._,226lii.ft. <br /> <br />.....~~=~--~=__.~..:;.o-'-~ <br /> <br />". PO .__. __.~,==,."=::.=~..,....-=".,,,.=.= <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />Jail--Ietter re- I A copy of a letter was <br />ceived from LEC !enclosing a Jail Inspection <br />re: inspec. reportlbe in good condition and no <br />i <br />Sheriff's Deputiek Ron Hilden, Sheriff's Department Union Attorney, presented copies of the 1979-1980 union <br />Union Atty--re: !contract for the County Commission to sign. Mr. Hilden stated that the Sheriff's Deputies are <br />vaction policy i:requesting a change in tile vacation schedule from 1" days per month for 5 to 15 years of ser- , <br />and pay period. [vice to I 3/4 days per month for 10 to 15 years of service. Mrs. Stanton felt this would <br />!have to be an overall policy change for all County employees but that the time to considet it <br />/wOUld be during the next fiscal year budget sessions. Mr. Hendrickson stated that he is not <br />fin favor of increasing the number of vacation days, and he moved that the request for 1 3/4 <br />,days of vacation after 10 years of service be denied. However, the motion failed for lack <br />lof a second. Mr. Hilden stated that they would again request the Commission to consider the <br />!matter next July. <br />i <br />I Mrs. Wold moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the Union Contract for the Cass County <br />iSheriff's Department be accepted, but that no change be made in the annual vacation clause. <br />IThe motion carried on a roll call vote with Mr. Hendrickson and Mr. Satrom opposing. <br /> <br />b . d I _ -as I Mr. Hilden stated that the Sheriff's Deputies would like to receive their salary on a <br />~eSe'ned 3 ~~ Isemi-monthly basis rather than once each month. The County Auditor stated that there would <br />inot be much difficulty in this, but he suggested that it not become effective until January <br />;lst. Mrs. Wold moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the pay periods for County employees <br />ibe changed to the 1st and the 15th of each month, beginning January 1, 1980. The motion <br />icarried on a roll call vote with all members voting "Aye". <br />F. <br />i <br /> <br />received from the North Dakota Combined Law Enforcement Council <br />Report of the Cass County Jail in which the facility was found to <br />recommendations for changes were made. <br /> <br />Committee reports were given. <br /> <br />Sheriff Residencei Sheriff Don Rudnick appeared regarding the County constructing a 36' by 40' cedar fence <br />--request for lat a cost of $700.00 in the back yard at the Sheriff's Residence for privacy. A majority of <br />fence. Ithe Commissioners w?re not aware of the situation, and Mr. Rudnick stated that he could <br />!present other cost estimates next week for different types of fences. <br />I <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />I <br />IATTEST: <br /> <br />11.'/'1'" ----------'j , ",/' ///) <br />>- -- ;;? // Y <br />d~:';r ,--:-"-::'/>~A//----c-"2~i-v.....--- <br />iDuane E. Hoehn - Auditor <br />~ass County, North Dakota <br /> <br />On motion by Mr. Hendrickson and seconded by Mrs. Wold, the meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />APPROVED: <br /> <br />9v~ ~~M~ ~~ <br />JZ. P lmer Satrom - Chalrman <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 <br /> <br />! Chairman Satrom called the meeting to order and four members were present, Mrs. Stanton <br />larriving later in the morning. <br /> <br />An Invocation was given by the Chairman. <br /> <br />Soo Line RR Co-- Mrs. Wold moved and Mr. Hendrickson seconded that the Board adopt a resolution, which is <br />Resolution adopte~n file in the County Auditor's Office to act on behalf of Cass County in the law suit with <br />to auth.Atty.Gen.!the Soo Line Railroad Company. The motion carried on a roll call vote with all members <br />to rep. Co. !present voting "Aye". <br /> <br />Upon the recommendation of Steve Grindberg, County Road <br />Imoved and Mrs. Wold seconded that that County accept the bid <br />!new trucks, on a cash basis, at a total cost of $104,636.00. <br />Icall vote with all members present voting "Aye". <br />I <br />Bid for used ! Also upon the recommendation of Mr. Grindberg, Mrs. Wold moved and Mr. Hendrickson <br />truck for Rd.Dept!Seconded that the Board defer action for one week on the bid for a used truck for the Road <br />deferred 1 wk. IDepartment. The motion carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting "Aye". <br />i <br />St.Hwy.Dept.-- i Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the Board adopt a resolution to the <br />resolution adopte~tate Highway Department accepting the designation of the 1979 County Road System, which <br />for design. of !Mr. Grindberg stated is the same as for 1978. The motion carried on a roll call vote with <br />'79 Co.Rd.System.imembers present voting "Aye". <br />I <br />. <br /> <br />Bid accepted for <br />new trucks for <br />Rd. Dept. <br /> <br />Superintendent, Mr. Hendrickson <br />of W.W. Wallwork, Inc. for three <br />The motion carried on a roll <br /> <br />all <br /> <br />St. Hwy. Dept.-- <br />corres. re:funds <br />for 1980 Federal <br />Aid projects. <br /> <br />, Mr. Grindberg reported on a letter from the State Highway Department concerning funds for <br />11980 Federal Aid projects. Mr. Sondrall moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the County's <br />iallotment of 1980 Federal Aid funds, in the amount of $241,200.00, be used for the County <br />(road 6 project. The motion carried on a roll call vote with all members present voting <br />!"Aye" . <br /> <br />i A letter from the State Highway Department was referred to Mr. Grindberg concerning <br />imissle road improvements. <br /> <br />I <br />~ <br />i <br /> <br />St.Hwy.Dept-- <br />corres.on missle <br />rd improvement. <br />
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