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<br />5870 <br /> <br /> <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />~ --.- ---_._-.._--~. _.__.._-_._---_.~. <br /> <br />....'*=.;..-=~=."==~=.,.-.:.:."...,~~""'== <br /> <br />."---. ._._~ -."'-.-l!iil~0~r.~!.~T!~ii.l;..O_,-...fi~~~..~~_D..~ml'!I~'"_ __._ <br /> <br />- - -'-'-"===-"--=''''''''~-':'''''''''':':='''.<:,,"'''' <br /> <br />'-'''',''--., .-.-- <br /> <br />DES Dir. auth. tq Mrs. Wold moved and Mr. Hendrickson seconded that Gordon Sletmoe, Disaster Emergency <br />~tte~d conferenc~ Services Direc~or, be ~uthorized to attend a co~ference in Bismarck on August 27th through <br />J.n BJ.smarck /30th. The motJ.on carrJ.ed on a roll call vote WJ.th all members voting "Aye". <br /> <br />Transcripts recd Transcripts were received from the State Highway Department of the Public Hearing <br />of St. Hwy. Dept held in Enderlin concerning bridge replacement over the Maple and Wild Rice Rivers <br />public hearing on State Highway 46. <br /> <br />Committee Reports were given. <br /> <br />On motion by Mrs. Stanton and seconded by Mrs. Wold, the meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY COMMISSIONERe <br />AUGUST 8, 1979 <br /> <br />Chairman Satrom called the meeting to order and Upon roll call, all members <br />were present. <br /> <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting <br />be approved as written. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Rd. Supt. gave Steve Grindberg, County Road Superintendent, presented the break-down for blacktopping <br />cost est. on , the remaining area on the block of the Juvenile Justice Center and EOC bUilding. <br />paving Juv. Det. i He estimated the cost of blacktopping the parking area used by the Fargo Public School <br />block for parking Administration to be $2,880.00 for 135', by 61'. The remaining 170' by 61' of the lot <br />t would cost the County approximately $3,600.00 to blaCktop. The Board referred the matter <br />' to Mr. Hendrickson and Mr. Sondrall for a recommendation. <br /> <br />Corres. from <br />St. Hwy. Dept. <br />referred to <br />Road Supt. on <br />updating maps & <br />corres. on 5-yr. <br />Road Constr. <br />Program <br /> <br />Mrs. Stanton'moved and Mr. Hendrickson seconded that the letter from the <br />State Highway Department regarding updating maps for the County Road System Transportation <br />Plan be referred to the Road Superintendent. The motion carried on a roll call vote <br />with all members voting "Aye". <br /> <br />A letter was received from the State Highway Department requesting the County to <br />submit their proposals for their 5-year Road Construction Program to the State by <br />September 7th. A copy of the letter will be referred to Mr. Grindberg, and the matter <br />will be brought up next week. <br /> <br />Gambling Permit Representatives of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society-Northland Chapter <br />issued to Ntl. appeared before the Board to request a gambling permit to hold games of chance at the <br />Multiple Scleras.! Watering Hole Bar in Wild Rice beginning on September 1, 1979. An agreement between <br />Sac-Northland I the MUltiple Sclerosis Society and Melvin and Palma ~lotsky was filed with the <br />Chapt., if apprvd application for gambling permit. The agreement states that Melvin Blotsky, owner of the <br />by St. Atty. i Watering Hole Bar, agrees to ,rent space to the Multiple Sclerosis Society; and that the <br />1 Multiple Sclerosis Society shall provide the employees to maintain and supervise <br />the gaming devices. Mr. Hendrickson moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the Multiple <br />Sclerosis Society-Northland Chapter'be granted a gambling permit for a period of 90 days <br />beginning September 1, 1979, providing the States Attorney approves. The motion carried <br />on a roll call vote with all members voting "Aye". <br /> <br />Gambling Permit, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that the St. Benedict's Church Guild <br />to St. Benedicts I be granted a gambling permit to hold a raffle on September 16, 1979. The motion carried <br />on a roll call vote with all members voting "Aye". <br /> <br />Shff. to work <br />out difficulty i <br />with locking doo4 <br />in basement I <br />hallway ! <br /> <br />Vouchers apprvd. I <br /> <br />The Board instructed Sheriff Rudnick to meet with the Courthouse Maintenance Engineer <br />and 'with the Clerk of District Court concerning locking a door in the basement in the <br />hallway which is done for security purposes by the Sheriff but does not allow <br />Courthouse employees to gain access to the records storage room. <br /> <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mrs. Wold seconded that Vouchers No. 62,811 through <br />No. 63,033 and Vouchers No. I through No. 400 and Revenue Sharing Voucher No. 182 <br />be approved and ordered paid. The motion carried on a roll call vote with all members <br />voting "Aye". <br /> <br />On motion by Mrs. Wold and seconded by Mrs. Stanton, the meeting was adjourned. <br />
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