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<br />, . <br /> <br />C a:; s <br /> <br />(' ''', : fo., t <br />v.,,, l <br /> <br />" <br />ii i ,51" j <br /> <br />.. (, t <br />;: ~.. l <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Homeowner's Organization or Other Private Organization <br />2005 ADI JlT MOSQlJlTO CONfROL AGRI ~l-:MENI <br />Bakke SuuJlVlsJOn <br /> <br />Tills agJ.~nent /(,r ll'.mlracl spraYIng l:(l control adult mosquitoes IS malk hcIWL'l11 Hakkc SuhdlVlsioll whose <br />mailmg ac.Wn:s~ is 50K Plum Tree Road, Hick.'lOll, North Dllkuta, 5X047 hcn;matter ORGANIZATION, and the Cass <br />County C0111JIllssion, wh.oge office is lit 11 I Ninth Slrccl, Fmw.', Nooh Dokotn 58108. MlIiling lIdJrc~ IS Rox 2806 Fnl'go <br />ND, S8lOS hereinafter COUNTY <br /> <br />'On..: PARTIES STIPULA..TEAND A(J\Uir: AS foOJ.10WS: <br /> <br />I) COLJ NTY lIWL'CS l:(l take steps to COIlU'OlllloSquito larva as pari (If its (lngoinll mosquito control <br />progrrun ot no cost to the ORGANI/AI'I()N COmmLTlSll,T,lte with the County resources availahle <br />The County may alsu pmvidc barrier applications at Its discretion at TlO cost 1I~ part oC the control program <br />County will providc these services without filIther request or Tlulilicalum Irom the ORGANIZATION <br /> <br />2) ORGANIJ.ATI()N al,'lCCs tll notily COIUlty vill telephone. email, or facsimile each lime the <br />ORGANIZATION wishe~ to rccci'l;e adult mosquil:(l spraying within the subdivislIm <br /> <br />3) COUNTYagn....:s ttlllpply an inscelicllic l<lI" C4.mtrol of adult mosqUIto populat1Olls thruughllllt the <br />Sired:! WhLTI rcqw:slL:d hy the ORGANlZA TlON. Applical1011 WIll be in aooordlllllx with <br />lIIanulac!urcr's instructions The County WIll endeavor to comply with the ()I~(TANIZ^TION'S <br />Jequest. but exnct timing llf eaclt applicatilm wilt he at the discretion of the COWlty <br /> <br />4) OlWANI1ArJON agrees to pav $20000 per applicahOtl <br /> <br />S) COUNTY will hill OlWAN1ZATION tOl selvices rendered. Payments for servtccs 10 he made wirhm <br />)0 days <br /> <br />(i) COUNTY lIb'fCC~ tu a~'lwnc allliatlllily ood agrees to indemJutY and defend the ORGANIZATION <br />from all din;cllIJll! indirect, plesent nnd future claims or cnuses of action, wruch III any way result ITnm <br />the actiVities of the COUNTY III completion of the tll~k~ ~tllted hL'fL1n or ma}' rc:iulllToffi the <br />decision!1, 1'l"coHlInl.:ndatilms, aclilms. Oml!(sjnns (If :lctions or other errors on the part of COUNTY, its <br />t.1npl(lYll'.:~ (lr cunlraclllrs and Rny pmt trom which COUNTY may obtain infonnation or SL'fVicc~ 1(lr Ihe <br />cumplclJOn ot the saUle. Tills assumption of lIabilIty and agroolll:nttu hold hannlcss is inlL11dod 10 cover any <br />present or future 8ct1vllie!l unc.k;rtltkLTl by COil NT Y in fUr1k'filllllC of this agreement. <br /> <br />7) ()I{(TA NIZATION ogrees to tlssume 011 liability IUld agrees to md~ul1Cy and dcl~T1d thc COUNrY <br />trom all direct and indirect, pr~:l(..."t lInd future claims Ill" CIIUses or ilCllon, Whl~h In mlY way result from <br />th~ activities (If the ORGANIZATION m completJoll ofthe tllsJeS stated herem or may rcsuH fmm thc <br />decisiuns, n:commLTldatiuns. uctions, omissions of actions or other errors on the part oC <br />ORGANIZATION, its employees or conl1aClClr~ and any part from which OIHtANIZATION llUly <br />obtain information ur SLTvices fur the cumplctilID of the srone. TIus nSSUll1\>tJoll of liability and <br />lIgn:t.'T11cnttu hold harmless is in....'11ded t(l cover ony present or future activities luldertakcfI oy <br />ORGANIlA TION in furthermlce ofthis agreement <br /> <br />Datal this~.Jay u(~1.t:!i..J ' 2005 <br /> <br />Cllnirperson, Cass ('Hun!)' Huard \)r COn1missiuocrs _ <br />/JI!/) J" r .VJ ....,.,. _ I <br />OIWANIZATION authorized representative ~YU.- <br /> <br />OKGANIZATION Poinl nfContnct tor Mosquito Coutrol (plense print name) '~-th tllsOYl <br />Phonenumber(s) L~I'J^0) _~rJ~&)~7t{2C:1 (~..LLt) <br /> <br />J \Vectl'll'UtlOS VI!C'M'uO;\.'c.aW'lf\.lh\~lIk;.... S!JbJ~'V~!l20Q5C.lIlll:a4,:(dut; <br />