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GOVERNMENT <br /> <br />ent <br /> <br />Keith D. Bemdt, P.~ <br /> County Engineer <br /> <br /> Steve Grindberg <br />Maintenance Superintendent <br /> <br /> Richard S. Sieg <br />Design and Construction <br />Supervisor <br /> <br /> 1201 West Main Avmue <br /> P.O. Box 69fl <br />West Fays, Noe& Dakin <br />5807g0698 <br /> <br /> 701.282-2226 <br />Fax 701-282-2047 <br /> <br />March 6, 1997 <br /> <br />Mr. Orvelle lwen <br />Rural Route 1, Box 15 <br />Amenia, ND 58004 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Iwen: <br /> <br />Thank you for taking the time to write regarding your concerns about County <br />Highway Department services. I hope I can answer your questions. I'll also <br />attempt to answer the questions posed in February 20, 1997 letter to the <br />County Commission. <br /> <br />Large Snow Banks on township road on west side of section 12 Ameniel <br />Township: Several weeks ago, Amenia Township Officials provided the <br />County with an annotated map and requested that the County assist with <br />pushing back the large banks near the intersection of the township road and <br />County 4. The County contracted to push the banks back as requested. <br />However, we apparently misunderstood the TownsNp's intention that the banks <br />near your farm also be pushed back. The Township Chairman brought this to <br />my attention on March 3. The County will push back the banks near your farm <br />in the next couple of days. I hope this will help your situation. <br /> <br />Property Taxes on County Highway 4 right 0fway: The County does have <br />deed to the highway right of way on County 4 between sections 1 and 12 of <br />Amenia Township. Taxes are not paid on the County highway right of way. <br /> <br />Wiser Township bridge concerns: Due to the current snow situation, I did not <br />personally inspect the bridge upon receipt of your letter. I will plan to do so <br />this spring. The County does a detailed inspection of all bridges every 2 years. <br />This bridge was last inspected in June of 1996. Based on the inspection report <br />and photos in our file, it does appear that the bridge is in very poor condition. <br />I hesitate to comment further without a personal inspection, but it appears from <br />the report and photos that the bridge may be beyond economical repair. If this <br />is the case, the two options would be to replace the bridge with a large culvert <br />or permanently eliminate the bridge. <br /> <br />On township bridges over legal drains, there is a shared responsibility for repair <br />and replacement costs. The bridge is under the Township's jurisdiction. The <br />township is obligated to pay the for a minimum of the first $500 of any repairs <br />or replacement. The amount over $500 is typically shared by the Water <br />Resource District and the County on a 60/40 percent split. If Wiser Township <br /> <br /> <br />