CASS COUNTY GOV 7012822226 04/26 '02 14:39 N0,516 01/01
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<br /> This agreement made ~ entered into by Cass County, North Dakota, party of the first part, end Asohalt Surface
<br />Technoloa4es Cora party of the second pm (herelaaf~er calJed Con~ractor), WJ'~SSETH:
<br />
<br /> 1. That for sad in consideration of'the payments to be mede by the party of thc first part, the conlractor promises and ag~eas
<br />to furnish and deliver all labor, equipment, and materials, and to pay or cau,~e to be paid as they become duc, all claims ~or a.%y work,
<br />labor, materials, equipmeuh including equipment rectal or repair, and other supplies or insurat~ce premiums, ali of which are
<br />at/~butable ~o or ut/l/zed in end about the improvement and cor~truet/ou of Project No. CH0204. In accorth~ce and in conformity
<br />with the pwv/sinns of thi,~ contract and bond, the project proposal, the s~derd s~ificat/on, supplemant/fl specifications, specia]
<br />provisions,/md the limits of the project as 8how~/n t~ plans approved by Cass County's Engineer on March 18.200,2.~ a length of
<br />~2,934 m/les, the ~gioals ofwh/eh are on file at the Cass County Highway Depamnem, ~d all of whinh are hereby made a pan of
<br />~lfi$ agreement as fully and to the same effect as if the same had been set ~o~,h/~ the body of this agreement. Re/erenee~ in the
<br />S~adasd Soeeificat/ons for Road and B~dee Construction, 1997 edit/an, to the No~.h Dakota Department of Transporta~/oa or
<br />Departmeat wu~t be construe~ as referring to the owner. Likewise. a reference by the same wor~ to e~gineer or director mu,st be
<br />col~a~d as r~ferdng to the owner of the project,
<br />
<br /> 2. Th~ party of the first pan agrees and promises to pay to the Contractor for saki work when completed and aee~tod in
<br />accordance with the provisions of this contract, the price set forth in the said proposal, amounting apI~'oximately to ~dred
<br />E igh~.nine Ty~p.usanrJ Four Hundred N ine~ a~d T1/ l OODoll~s ($18~9~490, T l '}, payment~ to be mede as providod in saM spc~ificafion~
<br />upon presentation of the proper cer~tficates of the County Engineer, or his representatives, and under the terms of this coo~ract,
<br />
<br /> 3. The said work shall be done in accordance with the terms of this coomact, and the laws of the Sta~e of N0rth Dakota, ander
<br />direct supervision lad to the entire satl,~factlon of the Courity Highway Depari:men~, subject at all times to the inspection and approval
<br />o£the engineer.
<br />
<br /> 4. Tie decision engineer upon questions connected with the execution of this agreement or any failure or delay in the
<br />prosecutiort of the work by the Contractor s~ll be final and conclusive.
<br />
<br /> 5. In the employment of labor, other things beMg eqpal, preference shall be given to honorably discharged
<br />Armed Forces, and bona fide North Dakota residents, as detennin~ by NDCC Sactlen 43-07-20.
<br />
<br /> 6, Tbe Contractor shall begin constmctfon work when so order, ed by the Cass County Highway DepaCanent and shall rnaintaia
<br />at all times thereon a maximum and effi.cient working force necessary to eomplec, e the work within the time established by ~ eootrsct.
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />IN wFrNEsS THF. P~OF, the panics to this centract have set their haads and seal this
<br /> 2!)02.
<br />
<br />
<br />Chairman, Cass County Board of Commissioners
<br />
<br />
<br />Conb'actor
<br />
<br />By
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<br /> Title
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