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<br />EQVPMENT BUYE.R'S OlDER <br /> <br />If <br />. <br />THIS ORDER IS SUSJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDiTiONS <br /> <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />(Refer,ed 10 en Tre Reverse Side Hereofj <br /> <br />1. Sen€r rese:rves ti-}e dghllo accept or rej€ct th~s order and shaH not be required to give any reason for ;10n-aCC€ptanc2 <br /> <br />2. il1is ords:- when accepted by SeHer shall ber.....cme a bin..1ing contract Ot.l! shall be St,bje..:t to sk!ke~~~...k outs, a~denis, fire, deln'ts. m man;,:faciure or <br />tn.~nsport.a!icn, acts of God, ernbargos, or Governmenta1 acton or Ciny ether beyond the conlroi of the Sej~er whel:het the same as Of dift'erenllrom the l'natters <br />an,' !11i~1gS !1ereinMfore specifiCi.1l1y enl,mefated, and any of lX'!iQ causes sl1all absolulely absolve t'1e SBller from any ik~bi!irf 10 the gl'yer under the terms of herec1. <br /> <br />3. Un~e5$ U18 (\lach1nery is paiti for in fuil In ca.sil a~ tme of delivery, Seller retalns a s;..:;cutlty ~nterost ;;1 such maCiimer:1 withm the rr:.eaning or ~h.e Unnorm <br />Cen;m;:~rd3t Code k~gf;;thef Wit;1 all and any subsHtU[k~ns. ad('litlon~ Of accessions. anti in any and aii pro~~~ds from tl1e ~a~e: exchange or disposal thereof. Buyer <br />prh::: to or ,iner deHverf specifically to en~er into and exec;Jte a Fn:':1ncing Statement or statemf::nts. and a Se~i;jty Agreement. sel:tmg forth the terms and <br />COl1ditions of tho? AgT:ement between the !-'.8.rtiBS in rel,';Jlion to the secudty interest of jhe SBH€f In 0'Jent Buyer fails to enter into such Secur~ty Agreement with [he <br />Seiler ih\:~ ~:ntir(:} ba~an<.:e 9f the purchase price shalf a~ Seller's ~.!ptjon become due and payabie: ant.i !hc SeHer shaH :1GVe aU remedies available te hjn~ pro\f;ded for <br />at:ej set ou! in the Uniform COrrl!11ercjal Cede, a=)d ai Seller's optbn this order may be treated by Seii€r a~~ a Secw-ity agreement insofar as the ~aw a110\\I$ and insofar <br />a~; SB1ky:s S0:c;.Jrity intefDst ~s perfecled Buyer rurther agr2es to execute and deUver to Sener any other Notes. or ev~dences of indebiedness that may be required by <br />Hie Seiler Howe.....Gf. any No~e taken here'\..*Jilh sh<.li! evidence inde!.)tedness only and is not to be considered or constn.Jt~d to 03 payme.nt for said ;}'l;schinery. <br /> <br />~ St~UE~:"S responsibility fer shipm(7nt Cf:a${~S upon delive:y tc transportation company. and any claims fer shortages, delays or dHrnagc..">S occurring thereaf1;:.n <br />::.;till:\l! t:;e made by the BUY(~f djr?!.;t It> trlB tranSpGfkt!ion company, p...ny cla.ims against the Seller for shor1ages in shipn:er:Q:~ shaH be made within fifteen days after <br />,BG€ipt of' sh~pment <br /> <br />5. T11& Buyer Bgrees th<..11 lhis oreer shall OQl be (',ounterm~nded by i1iml an\1lhat wilen it is (:!ccepted (anti until U1e eX8ClifGi! and deHvery of the conLract or contracts <br />and Note or Notes requirerl to consummate the s~1e as above spec~fiej) it wii! cover aH agreements between ti1€ pm'ties relative to this transai.~tion. and that the SeHer <br />is not L10Ur:d by any representations Of terms made by any agent rslalive tG Hiis transaclkm \vi1ich are (,:Qt emllodies herB!i,. <br /> <br />'5. USED MACHINE WARRANTY <br />"The Sbll~~r agrees k) stand ..._. _ per cent of 111e ('..cst t')f jat~or and rnHter1al tor repairs made by. or approyed in advance by SeHer to correct n16cnanjcal failure. (JL;~ <br />rf; ~ieffJctive pm';s or wcr:,..:;manship, which prevents the machjne frott: functiomng normaHy d;..lring the first ____ ser'i~ce Fleter units or ____ days. ...'vhio1ever comes <br />f:fSt. of 0pef3t!On. datt~d from Qi.:.1Y of delivery. The cost. if any, of fr8f1SPOiiing said used machine from anc to 111e SeHer's p!ace of L)uSmeSS shall be paid 'oy tl1€ Buyer <br />fhs ".o"arranty :s veid unless claim is made Buyer to SeHer within trm::;e (3) days after discover:-f of the tie-feet upon which tt:c claim is based. This warranty shaH not <br />appiy tc perts nacie uns€rv!c0t-;bfe due to lack of lurxtcaUon, neglect, ~1b:jse, irnprcper epf;;fiiUon. Bppilcation, or instar!alk.)f: by Buyer, cvef\\lorl<. or fer normal wear <br />i'lnt1 to[11" (Tjr;~~s and undercarriage con":ponents are not covered by this warranty.) No guarantee is n;ZH.i~~ or alitrit~;jzed by Seiter. other than that set forih above. TH!S <br />WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXP~ESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR <br />FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> <br />7. WARRANTY WORK AT OTHER THAN REGULAR TIME HOURS <br />Und-:1r IhH terms of th~s order Seller is ob~;gated to makH warranty f(.;pairs during f'f3t;ular vvofKing hours a1 r0~Jl.dar time labor ratHs. if, at the requesl c.r Buyer, such <br />warranty repairt are performed (luring overtime hours, SeHer shall charge Buyer tile rliftetence l1etween amount compute\1 at SeHer's regutEir time rates ami overtime <br />l,?lbrr ft?;eS oed shan be paid this amount by Buyer as <?! conrlilior: of this order. <br /> <br />fJ. B~;yer 8grees 10 K8ep said property fully insured for "(~n flsk" of physical rlamagfJ, protecting the ,n!r7,rest of ~)eHer In said pr()p\'~rty It.:ith companies accepled to <br />SeHer. ,.c.,iid b furnish Seiler evifjencs ttlsi such insurance h~s beon ootainea. <br /> <br />t(Th,~ Si:~ne!" Sii~':;_~~ net L')f;; herd liable or responsible for ani carnages: wheU1er ;);j account of perscnal in.;wrj€s c!" O:1160J\!ise suffe(Gci or sllst~;tfned in Ul$ cperation of <br />~~1I~1 Machine, n~Y fer any dam8ges resulting to the Buyer by reason {)f any derays or any aHeged faiiure of any nia(;hjr~e to operate. Seller. nol being the ffianulacturer <br />\~f ll~e ~3~..::hine. nor manufactiJrer's agent m<1keS no war-ranty agamst p(.~tent 01' 1alent defects in materi~1, workmanshiP ,or C"...apadty or the eq;.lIpment, nor warranty <br />that the rnach:n6 will satisfy any requir,.;ments of any law. r;,.l!(~. speciflcal:lon or contract vp.lich prov~des f<}r speclfic machinery or operators or speciti! methods: an <br />iabiliti(~~" (;1,jsif~9 Ih~'!n:;~fi1,x:: .are assumed by Buyer at its sclt"; risk H:ld eXpenSfJ. No oral ttgraen1EHlts, guaranty. premise, condition1 representation or warranty <br />shail be binding. Ail prior conversations, agre.;ments, or representations relatea hereto and i or said machinery are integrated herein. No modification <br />hereof s.hall be binding unless. In writing signed by seller. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, <br />INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERcHANABILlTY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> <br />.j <br /> <br />NORTH DAKOTA FARGO. 581% <br />:~402 ::J6t11lws. S. <br />P (} 80X9559 <br /> <br />BISMARCK. 58702 <br />1-94, EX:; 161 <br />P.C 80>:757 <br /> <br />I\MNOT.58702 <br />,1505 H\-vy.2, Bypass E <br />PO. Box 1056 <br />(701i.852<3508 <br /> <br />GRAND FORKS. 582GB JAMESTOWN, 58102 <br />1101 S, 46th St. 1910 27th Ave. SE <br />P:G. 80x 122o.G P.O Box548 <br />{/tY) T7b~42,3g ('TO.l j 251-1400 <br /> <br />{7(r') 2;3:,)-::n OC <br /> <br />(701) 22:~-GH7JO <br /> <br />P,O. o:":Y. 1307 <br /> <br />RAPID CITY. 5?7()fJ <br />3601 Dead~vood .ti,v~~ N <br />P.O. 80x 2070 <br /> <br />A8EROEEl\\ 574.02 <br />4950 E. Highway 12 <br />P.O. 80x 36 <br />!6(5) 225-62t.iO <br /> <br />2;;t-!!;:RP,.(.._QFFI.l;:f,:Jl <br />:1,101 33,J Sireet SVV 1 po Box 955f~ i Fargo, NO ~ 53106701-232-0033 <br />"''''''..N'.# .buUer ~n'aci1ir:~ty .com <br /> <br />;:;QlII!::!jJAlS,Q.If>. SIOUX FAllS, 57"!G1 <br />3201 N, Louise Ave. <br /> <br />f(iDS) 33G-3010 <br /> <br />(605) 342.-4850 <br /> <br />O:::\jG:~ H~EE1GRAPHiA. lNC. !;LL ~:Z!{:;HTS FU.:S0.R;JEi) <br />