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<br />[QUiPME!>,j"f BUyE.R'S ORDER <br /> <br />q <br />THIS ORDER is SUBJE'CT TO THE FOLLOWiNG TERt-.1S AND COND:TiONS <br /> <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />(Referred to on The Reverse Side Hereof) <br /> <br />1 SeHer reS2~ves to,a right 10 aLcept or reject th15 order and shan net be required to give any reasen for ;1~n-aCG€Ptaoce <br /> <br />2. Tl1is order when accepted by SeHer shall become a bin,t;')g c.onif8ct but shall be s~;bject to sl;jke: for"...k outs. a~dentS: rlre, del;;:ys, 1;') man~;factufe or <br />tfi:!!lSpoftaticn. acts of God, embargos, or Governmentai acton or any other c..a~;ses beyond the control of ll1e Se~~er whetn€r the same as or different from the f1iatters <br />an..; \l1ings herBirc-ef:.Jre specifi~Uy en~,me;,ate-..i, and any of sald causes shaH absolutely absolve tIle Selier h)m any lk::biHty 10 the B~;yer under the terms of hereof. <br /> <br />3. lH1iess U1€ rnacri:lery is paki fOf in fwll 1n cas11 at umf: of df:livery, s-en~; reta~ns a s~::cwrity interBst in sucr r(;actunery wlthln the rneaning of the Uniform <br />C<.w:men:~iaj C0dB kig!,:Hhcf wim aU and any subsHtutk':f16. f-idt.1;tions or accessions. anti in any and aH pn.1C$~ds from the saje, exchange or dispqsal thereof. Buyer <br />~;rk): to ,,'); after de~h:e!'"y specifically agr(~s to ent~r into and execute e Financing State,nent. O( statemt~nts, an,,; 8. SBcvrity Agreement. set'-.;ng forth the terms and <br />condilions of th-s Ag~.~~t~ment bet\.~Jeen (he ?-':Brties in :eri'llion to the :::ecudty lnterest Df 1he SeHer. In Gven;: a;jye~ 'fads to $n~er inh) such Security Agreement with ihe <br />Sener jhf: ~~ntjrs bai3nce ;!f H)(~ purchase price shall a[ Seller's c.!ptit>l') wcome due and payabi(j, and t)e SeHer shaH heve all remedies available to hhll provided for <br />and set ou! in the Ur:iforrn COIT!!l1erc1al Cede, ZH)d aj Seiter's option this order :;;ay be treated by Set~er a:-;\ a Security a~;refjmept insofar as the ja\.~J 8110;\''5 and insof<]f <br />as S(~j!er:s security interest 1S r-erl"ected Buyer rUf!her <.1grecs 10 cx...~cute and deliver to SeHer any ether Notes. or Bv1dences of indebtedness that may be required by <br />t~)e Seiler HOwf:;....(;r. any No~e tf.~ken here:wilh shaH ev]dencG indebtedness on1y and is not in bt~ c.onsidered or consln.!pd to bB payment for said machinery. <br /> <br />4' TI'!H St:1lhsr1s re5p<:nsib~5!ty fer shlpm(~nt c.saS{~$ upon delivf~;Y to transpcrtatcn comparry. and any claims for shortafJ6s. delays or darnages occurring thereaf1~jr <br />~:;r,la!! bt3 made by the B!.iy(~r dir€.y~t 10 tria tn:msportaHon company. Any clHirl1S against the Sener for shoda90s in shipments shaH be made within iifteen days a'fter <br />,eGdpt of" sfq;rr:ent <br /> <br />5. Tl1e Buyer agrees thai this f;rrjer sh;;l1 flC)!. be countermanded by mrn, and Ihat :,.vl1en it is accepte"i (and un!il tl1e eXecution and cle~ivery 01" the contract or contracts <br />c.lnd Note or Notes requirerl to consummate the s?!€ as above specified) It wi!l cover aH agreements betw€<af1 01e parties relative to this transaction. and that ilie Seller <br />is nd tx)und by any repr€SentatiDns ()f terms !":"lade b~ <:iny agent rS!vlive to this tra:isaclicn which are nol emliodu::s herB!n. <br /> <br />d. USED MACHINE WARRANTY <br />l"he SfJ}(;r agf(;:~~s l;:> stand per cent of (he cost of laL1()r an(~ n)flteriai for .'"ep<:;lrs made by or approved in advance by Seller tn correct :T\€chanICai failure. (jli~ <br />~(.: :.~efective DHr~s or wcr"manshp, which prevents the machine frorn functiomng normally d;.Hing the first ____ ser-;ice meter i..mlts or ___ days. whictlever come$ <br />1n"st or ;)peraticn. d~t~=;d from C<.lY of delivery. The cost. if 8.ny, of fransPo1iing s2;id used machine from and to l1)e SeHer's p~ace of t.1ljSJn~=;SS Sh;;1(J be pai~ by ti1e 8uyer. <br />Ths \".Ja,rcll1ty is void lmloss Claim ,s made Buyer to Seiler within trlreD (3) days after discovery or lrH3 defOG"!. upon wt)ich tht;j claim is bass--d This \varranty shaH nor <br />applY to pcJrt5 r~~<1!.~~~ unsefvicBE-3ble due to lack of lubrh:c:lUon, ne~;!ect, abuse, knpf6per cpert~Uorl. DppHc~11ir.m, or ir:staHalion by Buyer, cveN./o:k. or fer normal wear <br />(,j!1t1 ter.;r (Tir\:.~s and undercarriage cornpOneflG aff;j not covered by this \tvarranLy,) No guarantee is made or alJtrl(:~rjzed by Seller. oHler than that set forth above. THiS <br />WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPfSESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OR MERCHANTABILITY OR <br />FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> <br />,. WARRANTY WORK AT OTHER THAN REGULAR TIME HOURS <br />Und;:~r IhH t0nns of tt:js order Selle!' is obligated to rnakH WHH<.lllty f('~pairs dwit19 n:'}Qi..dar working hours at re~JI.;!dr tirn\~~ laDor rah.:~s. if, al trle reqLH-3'sl cf 8;JYbf, s~J{:h <br />warranjy repairs are perf::>rmBc ,jiJnng o'.leitime hours, Seller shaH charge Buyer tile fJinen:H1ce between a~110t1nt computed a1 SeHer's reguiar time rates and ovcarlime <br />j,;lbor (;'?l.!.8S and shall he paid this amodnt by Bliyer as ~ conrlitlon or Ih~s order. <br /> <br />v. Bvyer agree~ to Kf:ep sat..1 property fully ins~;fe\1 ffX' ";'3!j !'is~" of physica~ f.lamage, protecling the inlf.t(Est of ~3(:dle; If; said 0r()p\'~rty \'~..:ith companies accepted \.0 <br />Sener. .ii.nd to fur"iGh Seiier €VI(jer.~e ttlat sLlch insuranc~ has beer oDtainec.L <br /> <br />~. t:;:~ St:~~ler Sil:-~li net L'H:) t1e[(j lie ole or responsible for any tiamages, wrlt::t,)e~ \.n account of personal il\:Jrles or ot!)e0.lV1S6 su1fet",j(j or sustamet1 in !tie t)perati01) of <br />~,aki rnachirb, rkY f{;f Gny "iarnagas reSulting to the BuJ.3r by reason ()f any dejays or any aHeged failure of any n16t':.hine to operate. Seller. net being the manufacturer <br />d Hi':.~ r":3!;tWI8 !lor !":'~a')i.,JdcturGr's agent m:akes rH..'< warranty dgair:st patt~nt ()t iaVant defects in matericl!, wOrkrnf)nsh;p or capacity of the equipment: nor warrant! <br />~"k1~ [he ~~achwB will satisfy any requirfjments of cU"!Y law n.llt3, specifk:aUon (If' cc.!ntract ~'\fl.tch provides f()r SP5clfic machiflQry or operators or speciti! rnethods: an <br />i-~~)ilitit;)~, ~lri(3if'9 Ih('!ri:~fit':m ~lre assLHned by Buyer at itS scl~~ risk f-nd expense. No oral a9raements~ guaranty. promise, conditiont representation or warranty <br />shail be binding. All prior conversations, agreements, or representations related hereto and i or said machinery are integrated herein. No modification <br />hereof Eohall be binding unless in writing signed by seller. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, <br />INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANABIUTY OR FITNESS OF A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. <br /> <br />{!'U~) 2WJ<J 1(}C <br /> <br />BisMARCK 58702 <br />f~84, Exii 161 <br />P.D Box 757 <br />(lOl) 22:~-CH9(; <br /> <br />M~NOT. 587Q2 <br />.1505 H~'!,:!.2, bypass E <br />p O. Sox 10G6 <br />i,01 i iJ52-35DH <br /> <br />GRAND FORKS, 58203 <br />1201 S, ~6th s: <br />P G. 80x 12280 <br />{?Gi) 7"'!;;;-4.2..>8 <br /> <br />JAMESTOWN, 56W2 <br />191027111 Ave. SL <br />P.O Box5!.18 <br />;7()"1j 251-140G <br /> <br />l'illfi:TH DAKOT~ FARGO, 56106 <br />34l)2 36Ul /"'V&. S <br />P::), BGx95S9 <br /> <br />3201 N. U'-:JiSfJ Ave <br /> <br />RAPIOCITY,5?lG9 <br />3601 Dead\.;'iood Av~;} N <br />P.O. 80x 2070 <br />{BOG) 342-4850 <br /> <br />ABERDEEN. 57S02 <br />4950 E. Higriway 12 <br />P.O, 9-0)( 36 <br />fl3D5) 225-6240 <br /> <br />~r.;N;;;8l4.._QEEl~J;l? <br />:A01 33r:"1 Stred f!/}J ! PO Box 955f~ 1 Fargo, ND i 58106 7Q1-232-D03:~ <br />'.,~. w...,~.; .but B! -n1acliinGfy .com <br /> <br />;,;Ql.!TH..PlIK9.T1>. SIOUX FALLS, S7':l,1 <br /> <br />P.O. Box 1307 <br /> <br />{ED5J 336<3010 <br /> <br />O:::OJ;~ Ff~cE!GRP.Frll,x... jt~c. ..I;L.L i,F3;.-frs j~ESt:.n\iE; <br />