1. Fargo Library/rural Cass
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1. Fargo Library/rural Cass
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br /> <br /> This report provides an evaluation of the OnLine at PA Libraries project which <br />was initiated in the Fall of 1996. The project, funded by Bell Atlantic, and <br />adininistered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education's Office of <br />Commonwealth Libraries and the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit, has had a <br />significant and important impact on the provision of Internet-based information <br />services and resources to the residents of Pennsylvania. The original project <br />goals were to: <br /> <br /> Provide public access to the Internet through Pennsylvania's public <br /> libraries. <br /> <br />· Provide library users with timely information for educational, research, <br /> economic development, and recreational purposes. <br /> <br />Ensure that trained library staff are available to help the public find the <br />information they need in an online environment. <br /> <br />The report documents that these goals were, in fact, accomplished. Moreover, the <br />report identifies many additional impacts and benefits that resulted from the <br />project. <br /> <br /> The evaluation, which began October 1996 and was completed October 1997, <br />was guided by specific research questions such as: What are the scope, reach, and <br />dimensions to the OnLine at PA Libraries project? How much Internet activity <br />and of what types are taking place in participating libraries? What types of users <br />access the Internet connection and to what types of services and activities do they <br />connect? What are the costs for such connectivity and various types of network <br />activities and services? How has access to and use of networked information <br />resources and services affected participating libraries in terms of economic <br />competitiveness, education, productivity, quality of life, and other indicators of <br />socio-economic well-being? <br /> <br /> These, and other key assessment questions were answered by rise of a range of <br />data collection techniques including surveys of librarians and users, site visits, <br />focus groups, interviews, and other techniques. <br /> <br /> From the viewpoint of project participants -- be they library directors, library <br />staff, users, or local government officials -- the project has clearly been <br />successful. The list of the various benefits and impacts that have come to the <br />library, the users, and the community overall, is significant and consistent across <br />most libraries. Some of the most important indicators of the success of the project <br />are that it: <br /> <br />Linked networked information to users and resolved a range of their <br />information needs that otherwise would not have been resolved; there were <br /> <br />McClure and Bertot October 1997 ii <br /> <br /> <br />
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