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THE CINCINNXTI INSURANCE COMPANY <br /> <br /> POWER OF ATTORNEY <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE$~ P~ESENTS: Thai TH~ C1NCiXNATI INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporat~oa ortanh~d <br />under th~ hws of thc $Iil~ of Ohio, and havln~ its pdnci~ offic~ in th~ Cky of Fx~rfi~ld, Ohio, docs Mr:by consthul~ and appoint <br /> <br /> Edward ~. Bo~an; James W. Ander and/or Lois L. Szymike~ski <br /> <br />of Burr Ridge, Illinois i~ t~: and h~ful Auorn:y(!)-[n-F~ct to si[n, execute, sazl <br /> <br />follow/: Any such obligations in ~he United Sta~es, up to <br /> One Million and Nc/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00). <br /> <br /> This appoimmcnt is mad: uM:r and by authog;y of tho fnl]owing r:solution p~sscd by thc Board of Dircctor~ of said <br />Company at a meeting hdd in thc .:Hncipal offico of ~h: Company, a quorum being pr:scm ~n~ voting, on thc 6th day of <br />Dec:tuber, 195g, which rcsolutlon is still in cffccu <br /> <br /> 'RESOLVED, ~h~t the President or any Vic~ President bc h~rcby autho~zcd, and cmpowarcd :o ~ppoint Atlom~ys-~n- <br /> Corporalion, and may authogze ~ny of~cer or any such Allomey-in-Fact to af~ the corpora:: seal; and m~y whh or <br /> without taus: modify or r:vok: ~ny such appo~mm:nt or authority. Any such wHdnEs so cxc:utad by such Anomcys- <br /> in-F~ct /hzI1 b: binding upon thc Company as ff they had bc:n duly :x:cut:d and acknewl:d~:d by thc rcguhrty <br /> d~ctcd offim~ of tM Company.~ <br /> <br /> ~s Power of AUorncy ~s ~ntd and s:al~d by f~:simil~ under and by thc authority of th: foii~w~ni R:solmion adopted by <br />th: Board of gir:clo~ of thc Company at a m::tln~ duly called and held oh th: 7th day of December, .!973. <br /> "RESOLVED, that %ho s~nalu:: of thc President cra Vk: President and th~ seal of thc Company may b: af~x:d by <br /> Company may b: affixed by facsimile to any c:n~cat: of any such power and any such po'~'tr of <br /> such fac~mil~ signature and se~ ~hall be vflid and. binding on the Company Any such power ~o ~xecuted and sealed <br /> and ccmficd by ctnific~le in executed and ~:zl~d shall, with respect lO any bond or undertaking to whkh k <br /> attached, continue to M valid end binding on th: Company." <br /> IN ~q~ESS WHEREOF, THE CINCINNATI iNSURANCE COMPANY h~ caused thcs: }resents to bc scal*d whh ks <br /> corporate seal, duly attcncd by ~u Senior Vi~ Pxsidcm tk[s 23rd day of March, 1992. <br /> THE CINCINNATI iNSURANCE COMPANY <br /> <br /> Senior Vim Prtsident <br /> <br /> STATE OF OHIO ) ss: <br /> COUN~ OF BUTLER ) <br /> On mis 23rd day of March, 1992, before m: camo th: ~bov:-n~mtd Scn~cr Vic: President of THE CINCINNATI <br /> INSURANCE COMPANY, to m: p:acnally known ~o 5: thc officer d:sc~bcd here[n, and acknowled!ed tha: thc <br /> th~ pr:c~h~ ,n[[~2~t Is th~ corporate sc~ of said Company and ,ho p -. <br /> ~ . 9~ ' $ ..... . ' ' · <br /> an,x~-~bO~taid ,ns, mm:hr by the zmhon.y and d,rec,~on of said corporauon ~ <br /> <br /> : : ~: ~ ~ HENRY G. BEKLON, Attorney At <br /> ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: gotaU Pubh: Sta: of Ohm <br /> <br /> % ~ '..~f~..~ ~ Sect:on 141.03 <br /> ¢ ~ ~' · ~ - · · ~ N -'cb ccm~f that thc above <br /> ~'~:~n~~ Sccmtau and Trc~urcr of THE CINCINNA~ I~SUKANCE COMPA, Y, h.~ <br /> iS a t~e ~ ~t~ct copy of thc On$:n~ Power of Auom~y usucd by sad Company, <br /> Power of Anomey is ~t~l in full form and effect. <br /> <br /> GIVEN under my hand and se~l of said Company at Fairfield, Ohio. <br />thi.~ 20th day of February, 2002 <br /> <br /> <br />