County Commission
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<br />-. <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />Commission Minutes--November 5, 2001 2378 <br /> <br />The highest priority for county crews has been snow plowing county roads before other <br />jurisdictions, so most of the others have contracted on their own for snow removal initially, and <br />the county highway department will do further clean-up after the county roads are done. Mrs. <br />Schneider did not see any reason to deviate from that policy. Mr. Berndt said he will provide <br />whatever services the Board wishes to perform, and he had suggested spending about an hour <br />in Argusville and then moving out to the county roads. He said signing the proposed contract <br />will delay the opening of county roads for a time equal to the amount of time spent in Argusville. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum said she and Commissioner Wieland were contacted by the Mayor of Argusville <br />about a snow removal concern. The county has been providing services but without a contract, <br />so she and Mr. Wieland suggested that a written agreement be drafted to alleviate problems. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked if there are any other cities within the county that receive this kind of service. <br />Mr. Berndt said there are two other cities that have a county shop located there, however, the <br />County Highway Department has not provided this level of service to those cities, other than <br />on a secondary basis. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider said she does not see a need for signing an agreement with one jurisdiction <br />when the county does not have a written agreement with other cities. She suggested informing <br />the City of Argusville that they should contract for snow removal, and the county will provide <br />secondary services in the same manner as they do for others. <br /> <br />Birch Burdick, State's Attorney, asked if there has been any understanding in the past on liability <br />issues, and Mr. Berndt said he did not believe that has ever been formally addressed. Also, Mr. <br />Burdick thought the county should consider whether or not they are putting themselves in <br />competition with private snow removal contractors. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to delay action on the <br />proposed street maintenance agreement with the City of Argusville, <br />pending a revision to the contract to give first priority to county <br />highways. Discussion: Mr. Wagner asked if delaying the action <br />pending a revision means the contract will come back to the County. <br />Mr. Berndt said it would be appropriate to bring it back to the Board <br />for a decision. The motion carried on a 3-1 vote with Mr. Wagner, Mrs. <br />Sorum and Mr. Meyer voting "Aye"; Mrs. Schneider opposing. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schneider left at this time due to another commitment. <br /> <br />21. JAIL SITE/COURTHOUSE WEST ADDITION, Schematic desian presentation <br />Architect Rick Hoganson, of Foss Associates, presented a Schematic Design Report for a <br />proposed Courthouse West Addition, which would be a replacement facility where the existing <br />jail and sheriff's residence are located. The Board approved moving forward with the design and <br />development based on this approach at their meeting on May 7, 2001. <br /> <br />Atthis time, Mr. Hoganson showed sketches and outlined the various components ofthe project. <br />_ The major spacial components were identified as mechanical and electrical systems, transfer <br />of inmates from the jail for court appearances, Information Services/GIS Center, maintenance, <br />underground parking, and municipal courts. Accommodating a request to include expansion <br />and relocation of space provided by Cass County for District Court to the third floor of the <br />proposed building. brings the estimated cost of basic construction to $8.8 million. Mr. Hoganson <br />
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