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<br />Road Advisory Minutes--March 21, 2005 2 <br /> <br />An agreement would also be needed for ownership and maintenance of the road with the <br />understanding that the city would be responsible for this. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk suggested the county could provide a resolution of support to the state. Mr. <br />Bennett is willing to support the request if the county uses the same method as the Casselton <br />elevator road project. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Suhr seconded to direct the County Engineer <br />to write a letter of support to the North Dakota Department of <br />Transportation and ask that when requesting funding, the same criteria <br />be used as the Casselton elevator road project. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />4. OVER-DIMENSION VEHICLE POLICY & DRAFT ORDINANCE, Policy approved <br />Mr. Berndt said a new policy has been drafted for over-dimension vehicles. He distributed a <br />handout that provided highlights of the proposal. The policy would allow maximum gross <br />vehicle weights on county highways to increase from 80,000 pounds to 105,500 pounds, <br />subject to legal axel configurations. The fine schedule was developed using the state's <br />guidelines and the county would retain revenue from overload fines. Under the proposed <br />policy, single (3-day) trip permit fees are the same as the City of Fargo. However, the county <br />would also offer a 30-day permit at double the cost of a single trip and a seasonal permit at <br />ten times the cost of a single trip. He met with Sheriff's Department and State Highway <br />Patrol officials to discuss the ordinance. The state suggested since the Sheriff's Department <br />would ultimately enforce the policy, they should also administer the program; however, Mr. <br />Berndt said his department is also willing to administer the permits. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt suggested after final approval of the ordinance that training sessions in <br />cooperation with the Sheriff's Office be held to educate the public. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Berndt seconded to approve the policy and <br />draft ordinance and forward their recommendation to the Cass County <br />Commission. Discussion: Mr. Bennett supports the ordinance but feels <br />a few revisions may be needed before final adoption. He was concerned <br />that the fines may be too high. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />5. OTHER BUSINESS <br />Darrel Schroeder from Davenport Township was present and asked about the status of <br />Highway 16. Mr. Pawluk suggested he contact the county engineer to have the item placed <br />on a future Road Advisory agenda. <br /> <br />There was some discussion on legislative issues regarding road and highway concerns. <br /> <br />6. ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION, passed <br />On motion by Mr. Wagner, seconded by Mr. Vanyo, and all voting in <br />favor, the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 PM. <br /> <br />Minutes prepared by Heather Worden, Administrative Secretary <br />