03-07-2005 Minutes
Road Advisory Committee
03-07-2005 Minutes
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3/21/2005 7:37:10 AM
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<br />Ditch Reconstruction Minutes-March 7, 2005 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />deemed illegal, the drain may be closed. Mr. Berndt said the county spent between <br />$40,000 and $50,000 for culverts not to mention engineering costs provided by the <br />county over the last several years. Mr. Volk said the project was driven by local <br />residents and was not requested by either the water board or the county engineer. <br /> <br />Dan Zimmerman, area resident, feels the project was done incorrectly by all parties <br />involved and does not see $250,000 being divided among four land owners. He asked <br />about the process of making this a legal drain. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk gave a brief history on this issue and read a portion of minutes from a <br />North Cass water meeting held in 1998. He feels the county and water board have <br />worked with the land owners to attempt to move this project forward. The remedy <br />continues to become more expensive the longer the project is delayed. <br /> <br />Mr. Volk said North Cass Water Resource District does not have funds to create a <br />legal drain. If this option is chosen by land owners, the water district would have to <br />receive a bond to create an assessment district and to send out ballots for a vote. <br />More than half of the residents would have to approve the vote. A petition would need <br />to be submitted to the water board to begin the process. Mr. Berndt stressed that the <br />process would need to be done in a timely matter, because if the vote fails, the issue <br />remains the same as today. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />MEETING RECESSED <br />Mr. Carlson suggested a short break be taken for interested parties to discuss their <br />options. The meeting was recessed at 10:20 AM. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />MEETING RECONVENED/DECISION <br />The meeting was reconvened at 10:50 AM. Mr. Johnson said land owners present at <br />today's meeting want to talk with other area residents to discuss petitioning for this to <br />be a legal drain. <br /> <br />Mr. Volk said North Cass Water Resource District meets next Monday, March 14th <br />and could discuss this item then. He said the estimated costs if this is made into a <br />legal drain would be the same and the slope would still have to be repaired. The water <br />board would like to meet with area land owners to discuss the drainage and benefit <br />areas. The assumption would be the drain would involve all Sections 20 through 22 <br />and the water board would require a $15,000 bond to cover costs associated with <br />setting up an assessment district, ballot and election. Mr. Volk suggested residents be <br />informed of what would happen if the vote fails. He also discussed possible <br />reimbursement for some costs by the State Water Commission and would need to be <br />pursued through an application to the State Water Board. <br /> <br />The consensus was that hopefully some answers will be provided in the next month, <br />and Mr. Berndt would be able to schedule this item for consideration by the County <br />Commission at their second meeting in April. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11: 1 0 AM. <br /> <br />Minutes prepared by Heather Worden, Administrative Secretary <br />
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