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<br />It is furth~r sp'2ciEically tl:1derstood 2Ild 2greed by 2nd <br /> <br />bet'ri2en the pe.rties -::.hat pe.rt of 'the considerction fo::: this <br /> <br />conveyance i::; that ?J..?TY Or ':r!-i::: FIRST ?l-.RT sile.ll be solely <br /> <br />IEspo:1sible for e.ll spec.!..e.l e.sseSS::1e:l.'Cs heretofore or he:cee.fter <br /> <br />levied or assessed e.gainst the ~eal property described herein so <br /> <br />long as the special assessment improvement project results in the <br /> <br />; <br />'i <br />I <br /> <br />initial certification of the firs:: installment of such special <br /> <br />assessment improvement project to -::.he county a~ditor on or before <br /> <br />January 1, 2007. <br /> <br />PARTY OF T~::: FIRST ?ART specificclly 2grees to <br /> <br />pay, before penalty attaches, 22.1 installments of any s~ch special <br /> <br />assessmer:t irr.provement project ~"til all i;;stallme:lts of sl.:ch <br /> <br />special assessment inprovene:1t project are paid in full. <br /> <br />3. CASS COUNTY CAM?SIT~_ <br /> <br />The agreeQe:1t dated April 28, 2979, ~h~~eby a po~tion 0: the <br /> <br />above described ~eal property ~as developed as a ca~psite kno~n as <br /> <br />the Cass County Campsite, u~der a le2se agre~m~:1t for an initial <br /> <br />term of t.....enty-five years, cor._':1encing on Ja:1uary I, 1979, and <br /> <br />terminating on Decem~er 31, 2004, shall be terrni:1cted and PA~TY OF <br /> <br />T'.~ <br />r..~ <br /> <br />SECOND PA~T shall <br /> <br />h('ree:~er <br /> <br />retein the <br /> <br />premises <br /> <br />fo:::- <br /> <br />its <br /> <br />corporate p~r?DSes. ?~RTY OF 7~~ FIRST ?~~T shall be responsi~le <br /> <br />for securi"g allY necessary conse:1ts or releases requi:::-ed of the <br /> <br />Cass County Park Commission, elso kno~n as the.Cass County Park <br /> <br />Board, or any other gove=n~ental e:1tity originally interested or <br /> <br />involved in the establish~~:1t 0: the Cass County Ca~psite. <br /> <br />PARTY OF TE=: FIRST ?ARJ:' shall irr_<led.:.ately pay P':;::l.'TY OF THE <br /> <br />SECOND PART the sum of S4,OOO.00 earlier cO~<litted to PhRTY OF THE <br /> <br />5 <br />