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<br />- -------...----~--_. <br /> <br />2. RED ~IV~H V~LLEY F~I~G?aU~~s ~~D 3CN~NZhVILL~, <br /> <br />PARTY OF ':'J-:::: ?I?S7 :;;.:0.7, e.5 C;::-e:C-':.C::, s~all convey, by Y1e::ranty <br /> <br />Deed, to P.I',RTY O? T1-:::: S:::CO!;D P;'.?T, e.s c:;::e.n-::e,=, ell or the following <br /> <br />reel property lying end b"2.;;9 in :']-:2 CO'Jnty of CeSS, 2nd St.ate of <br /> <br />North Dakate, ei1d ce:ocribed 25 "::ollo'"s, to-'.:it: <br /> <br />All that pert of -::'r.e Fo:cth....:es"::. Ql.:e.::te::- (l';"':~) of Section <br />Seven (7) in Tow:1ship One hU:1::.::ed 'I'hi::ty-nine (139) NOI'th <br />of Range :ortY-:1ir:e (.; 9) '~l'?5':. 0: the Fifth Pr.'Lncipe.l <br />[.leridicn, CeSS County, l,orth ueJ:ote, a71d lying ',lest of <br />the cente:cline of Drain No. 21, except the following: <br />FroP.1 the liort~'~'est CO::71e:c 0:: Sec-c.icn 7, <br />To~~ship 139 Nort~, ~2:1c:;e ~9 riesto: ~he Fif~h <br />Pri~cipal Me:cidi2T1, Ca5s CO~:1ty, North ~akote, <br />bea:: SG1.!th 89004' 05" :::2.S-=. {e.ss1.:!71ed ~eari.J:.g) <br />along the North ~ine 0: 5cid Secticn 7 fo:: c <br />diste.nce 0: 1025.21 fee~; thence bea:- South <br />00055'05" riest fo::: c of 120 feet to <br />the ?oint of 3esinning 0:: ::1;e trac:. of la.!"',d <br />he::ein described; thence South 00056'05" West <br />fa:: e. distance of ll~5.';9 feet; the!1ce South <br />8902.2'09" fo:: a c.i.sta?lce of 6':;1.01 feet., <br />more or lessr to a ?oin= on ~he ~~est RiSh: of <br />~'lay Li:1e for C2SS CO:.ln':.y Ditch Nur.:~er 21; <br />t.hence no::-t.hec.s~e:-ly e..lor:g citch Ti;~st <br />Right of ~ay line to a point of intersection <br />with a line t.hc:.t lies :;:a::al2.e1 ',.;ith and 120.00 <br />feet south of t~e No::-::h Li71e of Se.lC. Section <br />7; t.hence North 89004' OS" y,,"est. clo:1g said line <br />fa:: a c.ist2.nce of 952.83 feet, ;;)o::e 0:: less, <br />to th~ ?ol:lt of Segi;ming. Said tree:: of lc:.nd <br />contc:.l:1s 22.3 acres, :::o::e or less, c:.:ld is <br />su~ject to ecse~ents of ::eco:::c. <br /> <br />. 1- <br /> <br />A:-;;) <br /> <br />The Northeast Qt.:a:-ter (1;:::~) of SectiDn <br />Township O:1e Eundred Thir::y-ni:1e (13 9) <br />Fifty (50) West of the ?i:::~ ?rincipe.2. <br />Count.y, North D2.kota. <br /> <br />T'"'el \'e (12) in <br />No::t~ of Runse <br />1':e r i di a.n , Cass <br /> <br />A c::opy of the ?:"oposed h2.:-=a:Lty Deed :0 be exec:.J:ed by t.h~ <br /> <br />PARTY OF T~::: rI::tST -;O~;>?;S - ... d h - d' <br />- n"_... C '- t.a:::..e e::e...o c.~ ~:lco::pora'ted by <br /> <br />reference. <br /> <br />. <br />.. <br />