e. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
e. Contract approval
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<br />PROJECT NARRATIVE <br /> <br />Fargo-Moorhead has a population base of approximately 175,000 to 200,000 in the <br />greater metropolitan area. It is uniquely situated on the North Dakota-Minnesota <br />border with two major Interstate highways intersecting in Fargo. Because of the <br />unique location of Fargo, drug traffickers have often taken advantage of the border to <br />thwart law enforcement efforts to apprehend and prosecute offenders. Traffickers <br />utilize I-29 which is a North-South route, along with I-94's East-West route to <br />transport drugs from larger metropolitan cities such as, Minneapolis and Chicago and <br />other source states such as, Washington, Oregon, Texas and California into North <br />Dakota. <br /> <br />Methamphetamine continues to make up a major portion of the investigations that are <br />conducted by the CCDTF due to its popularity, highly addictive nature and availability <br />of precursors to manufacture the substance. Most of the methamphetamine that is <br />shipped to the area for distribution is concealed within vehicles. The three most <br />popular states of origination for these shipments are: Washington, California and <br />Texas. There continues to be a steady number of clandestine methamphetamine labs in <br />the eastern part of North Dakota, although numbers for the entire state are down <br />somewhat from last year. <br /> <br />Marijuana also continues to be a popular drug in the Fargo-Moorhead area. Shipments <br />of 20 or more pounds of marijuana are fairly common through the postal service or <br />private mail carriers. These shipments almost exclusively originate from Texas. <br />Larger shipments are frequently driven to the Red River Valley from Texas by <br />individuals utilizing the North-South Interstate highway. There has been an increase <br />in marijuana seizures at the northern border from drug smugglers that are bringing <br />marijuana that has been grown in Canada known on the street as "BC Bud". The price on <br />the street for this type of marijuana is at least double that of marijuana originating <br />from Mexico or Texas due to the high THC content. <br /> <br />Crack cocaine is on the increase in the Fargo-Moorhead area. A large majority of the <br />crack cocaine in the Fargo area comes from cities along I-94 to include: St. Cloud, <br />Minneapolis and Chicago. Powder cocaine is also transported to the Fargo-Moorhead <br />area and "rocked up" into crack. <br /> <br />There have been several shipments of Khat totaling in excess of several hundred pounds <br />that have been intercepted that were in route to the Fargo-Moorhead area. These <br />shipments originate from outside the United States and are ultimately destined to <br />specific cultural populations located in eastern North Dakota and Minneapolis, <br />Minnesota. <br /> <br />Black Tar Heroin is shipped in mostly from <br />approximately two pounds Black Tar used in <br />addicted to the drug. White powder heroin <br />Minneapolis. The white powder heroin does <br />heroin. <br /> <br />Mexico through Texas. There is <br />the Red River Valley each year by those <br />is also brought into the Fargo area from <br />not seem to be as popular as the black tar <br /> <br />This project will be a multi-jurisdictional drug task force focusing in the Cass <br />County area. It is the intent of the Task Force to identify, apprehend and prosecute <br />street level offenders, to work toward developing cases on the wholesale offenders and <br />to remove the out of state sources of supply. <br /> <br />Assigned narcotics investigators will be responsible for the investigation of <br />narcotics violations, exchange of information with other investigators, and briefing <br />of local and Federal prosecutors of current investigative efforts as needed. <br />Cooperation between federal and state prosecutors, as well as the HIDTA prosecutor, <br />will be solicited. Federal Grand Juries will be used to further conspiracy <br />investigations along with working in concert with the Federal Task Force to further <br />these conspiracy investigations. Undercover purchases of evidence will be made. <br />
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