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<br />package option with similar coverage, or drop coverage prospectively if there is <br />no benefit package option with similar coverage. <br /> <br />A cost increase or decrease refers to an increase or decrease in the <br />amount of elective contributions under the Plan, whether resulting from an action <br />taken by the Participants or an action taken by the Employer. <br /> <br />If the coverage under a Benefit is significantly curtailed or ceases during a <br />Plan Year, affected Participants may revoke their elections of such Benefit and, <br />in lieu thereof, elect to receive on a prospective basis coverage under another <br />plan with similar coverage, or drop coverage prospectively if no similar coverage <br />is offered. <br /> <br />If, during the period of coverage, a new benefit package option or other <br />coverage option is added, an existing benefit package option is significantly <br />improved, or an existing benefit package option or other coverage option is <br />eliminated, then the affected Participants may elect the newly-added option, or <br />elect another option if an option has been eliminated prospectively and make <br />corresponding election changes with respect to other benefit package options <br />providing similar coverage. In addition, those Eligible Employees who are not <br />participating in the Plan may opt to become Participants and elect the new or <br />newly improved benefit package option. <br /> <br />A Participant may make a prospective election change to add group <br />health coverage for the Participant, the Participant's spouse or dependent if such <br />individual loses group health coverage sponsored by a governmental or <br />educational institution, including a state children's health insurance program <br />under the Social Security Act, the Indian Health Service or a health program <br />offered by an Indian tribal government, a state health benefits risk pool, or a <br />foreign government group health plan. <br /> <br />A Participant may make a prospective election change that is on account <br />of and corresponds with a change made under the plan of a spouse's, former <br />spouse's or dependent's employer if (1) the cafeteria plan or other benefits plan <br />of the spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer permits its participants <br />to make a change; or (2) the cafeteria plan permits participants to make an <br />election for a period of coverage that is different from the period of coverage <br />under the cafeteria plan of a spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer. <br /> <br />A Participant may make a prospective election change that is on account <br />of and corresponds with a change by the Participant in the dependent care <br />provider. The availability of dependent care services from a new childcare <br />provider is similar to a new benefit package option becoming available. A cost <br />change is allowable in the Dependent Care Assistance Program only if the cost <br />change is imposed by a dependent care provider who is not related to the <br />Participant, as defined in Code Section 152(a)(1) through (8). <br /> <br />A Participant shall not be permitted to change an election to the Health <br />Care Reimbursement Plan as a result of a cost or coverage change under this <br />subsection. <br /> <br />(f) A Participant may only increase his Benefit elections under the <br />Health Care Reimbursement Fund in the event of a change in family status. <br /> <br />11 <br />