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<br />virtue of any administrative act under this paragraph shall be forfeited and <br />deposited into the benefit plan surplus. <br /> <br />ARTICLE V <br />PARTICIPANT ELECTIONS <br /> <br />5.1 <br /> <br />INITIAL ELECTIONS <br /> <br />An Employee who meets the eligibility requirements of Section 2.1 on the first <br />day of, or during, a Plan Year may elect to participate in this Plan for all or the remainder of <br />such Plan Year, provided he elects to do so before his effective date of participation pursuant to <br />Section 2.2. However, if such Employee does not complete an application to participate and <br />benefit election form and deliver it to the Administrator before such date, his Election Period <br />shall extend 3D calendar days after such date, or for such further period as the Administrator <br />shall determine and apply on a uniform and nondiscriminatory basis. However, any election <br />during the extended 3D-day election period pursuant to this Section 5.1 shall not be effective <br />until the first pay period following the later of such Participant's effective date of participation <br />pursuant to Section 2.2 or the date of the receipt of the election form by the Administrator, and <br />shall be limited to the Benefit expenses incurred for the balance of the Plan Year for which the <br />election is made. <br /> <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Employee who is eligible to participate in this <br />Plan and who is covered by the Employer's insured or self-funded benefits under this Plan shall <br />automatically become a Participant to the extent of the Premiums for such insurance unless the <br />Employee elects, during the Election Period, not to participate in the Plan. <br /> <br />5.2 <br /> <br />SUBSEQUENT ANNUAL ELECTIONS <br /> <br />During the Election Period prior to each subsequent Plan Year, each Participant <br />shall be given the opportunity to elect, on an election of benefits form to be provided by the <br />Administrator, which spending account Benefit options he wishes to select and purchase with <br />his Cafeteria Plan Benefit Dollars. Any such election shall be effective for any Benefit expenses <br />incurred during the Plan Year which follows the end of the Election Period. With regard to <br />subsequent annual elections, the following options shall apply: <br /> <br />(a) A Participant or Employee who failed to initially elect to participate <br />may elect different or new Benefits under the Plan during the Election Period; <br /> <br />(b) A Participant may terminate his participation in the Plan by <br />notifying the Administrator in writing during the Election Period that he does not <br />want to participate in the Plan for the next Plan Year; <br /> <br />(c) An Employee who elects not to participate for the Plan Year <br />following the Election Period will have to wait until the next Election Period before <br />again electing to participate in the Plan, except as provided for in Section 5.4. <br /> <br />5.3 <br /> <br />FAILURE TO ELECT <br /> <br />Any Participant who fails to complete a new benefit election form pursuant to <br />Section 5.2 by the end of the applicable Election Period shall be treated in the following manner: <br /> <br />(a) With regard to Benefits available under the Plan for which no <br />Premium Expenses apply, such Participant shall be deemed to have elected not <br />to participate in the Plan for the upcoming Plan Year. No further Salary <br /> <br />8 <br />