4. Road Dept updates
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4. Road Dept updates
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12/14/2004 11:26:23 AM
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12/14/2004 11:23:42 AM
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<br />De£.:.)~_2_~~4~ 1Q..:.llðM <br /> <br />Gass County Highway Dept. <br /> <br />.. - . ",. . - , -. ... <br /> <br />701 N.o.:.3~1ø P., .1&103 <br /> <br /> <br />LLC <br /> <br />December 2. 2004 <br /> <br />Cass Coumy Commiasion <br /> <br />Deør Commissioners <br /> <br />1 am writing to seek your suppon tbr aIlowins TJ8Dt)'1teIn1 to run the more eftIdem trucks on <br />Can Co. Roads I] and S. <br /> <br />There trucks are the same trudc3 aDowtd all OVW' North Dakota. <br /> <br />As a taxpayer I am always concerued that we spcmd our mooey the belt way possible and <br />aßowing the laraer trucks wiD SÞc f'IJIOnCy. The Iarser tnn::ks weigh JnOre but 1IIIt is only put of <br />the story. They nm 7 axlos instead of5 and that spreads the load in a WIlY that rcduocnf weåt" and . <br />tear to tho pavement. <br /> <br />The weJ.ght per inch of tire width is 10W8I' tOo. The tive-axle ttuck8 haw 404 pounds per iDcb of <br />width wbü~ th~ acven-axle outfits have only 369 pounds per inch ofwidth. <br /> <br />The ~ trucks have JDOJ1S brakiøs power .. weD. The Øve-axIe trucks bave 37.9 pounda per <br />square inch ofbrakc pad. versus 35.2 per square inçh on the scvœ-aIc trucb. 'I1ùa means there <br />is more braking power on the larger units. <br /> <br />When we ('.In uae these Irucks. Tranaystems passes III the saMnp baçk to the Co-op. In turn the <br />Co-op can make farser payments to growers. Larger payments mean better protits on the tàrms <br />md that', what it takes to nmIce our IooaI economy run. <br /> <br />AD of this doell1' t mean a thins unt- if MI don "t hÞe safe roads. If we use the small web it <br />will take ~ 777 loads to IIJO\Ie the Canelton piJe. The more eftideDI. tnJt.ks wì1l mtMt it Í{I 2.134 <br />loads. That.,643 few loads. Less traffic makes fbr !Id:èr roads. <br /> <br />Our en\'Ú'ODnJerJt is øood in North Dakota and we need to keep it that way. By IIIIiaø the seven- <br />axle trucks, Tranaystems wiD drive 58.000 h miJes thi& I:III'DpIIigD ø1oœ. Few miles melD less <br />pollution and less demand for 8XpIIftIÌYe iùeI. Almost 12,000 pilon. less. <br /> <br />511 CmtraI A.... ~ SUite 2/ a-t FaDø. MT ~ <br />(406) 727-7500 I (406) 454~11085 F8c&imiJe <br /> <br />- <br />
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