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<br />~ <br /> <br />COUNTY DEED <br /> <br />This indenture made on November 16, 2004, between the County of Cass, <br />North Dakota, party of the first part, and Katrina A. Doll, 156 23rd Avenue East, West <br />Fargo NO 58078, party of the second part, witnesseth: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the real property hereinafter described was acquired by the <br />County through tax deed proceedings for the nonpayment of taxes levied and <br />extended against the property for the years of 1999 to 2003 inclusive, with interest <br />and þenalties, amounting to the sum of Eight hundred thirty-five and 05/100 <br />($835.05); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the real property was offered for sale, and sold, pursuant to <br />authority of law, on November 16, 2004, and at the sale, the second party became <br />the purchaser of the whole thereof, for the sum of Eight thousand and no/1 00 dollars <br />($8,000.00), which has been paid in full; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Cass County as party of the first part, in consideration of <br />the premises, and pursuant to authority of law, hereby does grant, bargain, sell, and <br />convey to the second party, the second party's heirs and assigns, that certain real <br />property situated in the County of Cass, North Dakota, described as follows: <br /> <br />That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty-six, in township One Hundred Thirty-nine <br />North of Range Fifty-four West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dakota, <br />described as follows, to-wit; Commencing at NE corner of NE %, then west along north <br />boundary line for 876 feet, then south parallel with east boundary line for 951.2 feet then east <br />for 876 feet to east boundary line, then north 951.2 feet to point of beginning, Howes <br />Township; <br /> <br />The legal description was obtained from a previously recorded instrument. <br /> <br />Parcel #47-0000-07303-020 <br /> <br />I certify that the requirement for a report or statement of <br />full consideration paid does not apply because this deed is <br />for one of the transactions exempted by subdivision f of <br />subsection 6 of N.D.C.C. §11-18-02.2. <br /> <br />\l- \ ,,~' 04- <br /> <br />Signed, ~~ f'v ..~ <br /> <br />Date rantee or Agent <br />To have and to hold the above described real property with all of the <br />appurtenances thereunto belonging to the party of the second part, Katrina A. Doll, <br />heirs and assigns forever, in as full and ample manner as the said county auditor of <br />said county is empowered by law to sell the same, and said real property, fixtures <br />and structures are being transferred "AS IS" with no warrants or representation of <br />any kind. <br />