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<br />Oct,18, 2004 11:59AM <br /> <br />Cass County HighwaY Dept, <br />CASS COUNTY ITIGHW A Y )JEPARTMI!~NT <br />CONTRACT <br /> <br />No,3310 <br /> <br />p, 6/10 <br /> <br />This agæ.ernent made a11d entered into by Cass County, North Dakot¡~, parly of the first part, and <br />h~dustdall:3l!ilders. h~c..l)O Box 406. Farj;:o. NO 58107-040§ party ofthe seclJnd pan (hereinaíterea]]cdCoIltrdctor), WI1NESSETH: <br /> <br />I. fhat tor and in consider¡¡tIon of the payments to be.ll1ade by the party oflhe firsl part, the COntmctor pl'omi~es and agrees lo <br />tul11is!laud deliver all labor, equipment, and m~lterial,5,. and 10 paYO1'(Jause to be paid ¡¡s they hcç.ome due, all claùlls fora1Jy work,labor, <br />materials, equipment, including equipmetlt l'ental or repair, and olher supplies or insurance premiums, all of which are alLribmoblc to cor <br />utilized in and about the improvement and construction ()fProjeet No. MSO40~. Inaeeordallce and in confom1itywith the provisions of <br />this cont1'l:'lct and bond, the project Pl'opt)sal, the standard sp~'citicat.ion, supplemental spe.cifieations, special pt'Ovisions, and the li.tnils or <br />the pmject as shown on the plan skctc11 approved by Cass County's Engineer on Octob~r I R, 2004, the originals I)fwhich are on me at <br />the Ca~s County IIighway Department, and al1 ofwhÎch are hereby made a pa11 ofthis agreement a,:, fhIly anti to the ~i:lme etIeel a~ ifrhe <br />same had been sd f(¡Ith in lhe body of this agreement. References in the StandtlT" Sm:'.úÎfî.¡:atio!1s for Road and I;Jridfle Constt1W!iOl1, <br />2002 edition, (0 the NtJrth Dakota Depnl'lment ofTraIls 1O1tation or Deparlment must be eOl1stL'lIed as referring to th<,- owner, Likewi~e. ¡¡ <br />reterence by the same works to engineer or director I1mst be eOl1stt'Ued a<o¡ reth'1'ing to the owner of the project. <br /> <br />2, Thc party ¡¡fthe fn'sl pí1l1 agfecs and pftJmises to pay to the Contracwr for ~aid work, when completed am! accepted in <br />ac\~ordance with the p!'Ovisiol1S of this contract, the price set forth in lhe said proposal, amounting approximately lo <br />Seven~.t)ve ThousaJld Tw(.! Hundred ~evellly-Oye and Nqf.JOO ($2~,275,OO ), plus the (.;ostofe,(,}uipment listed on the (¡ltaehed ¡¡heet, <br />paYl11c:mts 10 he made. as provided in said specificatitJns upon preSt11ltaÜon of the pl'oper çenificates of the County Engineer, or his <br />r<,-preseJl!alives, and under the terms of this contract. <br /> <br />3. The said work shall he done in accordance with the terms Oflhis contract, and the laws ofthe Slale ofNol'th Dakota, Llnder <br />dh'e¡;l supervision and to the entire salistàct.ion oflhe County Highway Department, subjecl al all timcJs to the inspection and apprc,val or <br />the engineer. <br /> <br />4,I'he decision of the engineer t¡pon questions connected ~ith the execution of this agreeIIlent or any ûlilure (11' dcJay in the <br />prosecution of the work by the Contractor shall be final and conclusive, <br /> <br />5, in the emploYl11ellt oflahol', otht:r things being equal, prctbrence shall be givcn to hOnOl"dbly discharged Veterans of lhc <br />Mmed forces. <Iud bona fide North Dakota rç.sideulS, as deteI1l1Încd by NDCC Se.:;!Ílm 43-07-20. <br /> <br />6, The Contractor shall begin COl1sti'llúlion wol'k when so ot'dered by the Ca~s County Highway Department and shaH m¡ÚlltaiJl <br />at all tillles thereon a maximum and efflcienl worlcillg force necessary to complete the work within the time established by lhis contrad, <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />IN WITNESS THF.REOF, the parties to this contract have set their hands Md seal this- <br />-- ~()O4. <br /> <br />day <br /> <br />CASS COUNTY NOIUH DAKOTA <br /> <br />..-' , <br /> <br />Chairperson, Cass County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />Contractoi' -. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />WITNESS TO CO1'<TRACTOR'S SIGNA TI1RE <br /> <br />,.- <br /> <br />Ry- <br /> <br />.-- <br /> <br />Tille <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br />J:'lIdm;".ln~'.(:'\"""~"u, Cn""r"\W)4 CulTeop",Irl""','I!.\'nlrnct II" n""".,ù Gle. ~Ijd" K'~~ill018(H.doo <br />