3. Prisoner holding/restroom
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Prisoner holding/restroom
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<br />Commission Minutes--April 7, 2003 <br /> <br />2578 <br /> <br />18. JAIL, Temporary holdinQ cells in north basement for inmates awaitinQ court <br />Commissioner Sorum asked to move this item from the consent agenda. She felt the board <br />could make a decision today on the Sheriff's request to move the inmate holding area from <br />the Courthouse second floor to the north basement where the lunch counter used to be <br />located. Chairman Wagner had proposed establishing a committee, including the sheriff and <br />portfolio commissioner, to review public safety and another temporary holding facility until a <br />new addition is built. He said the current room on second floor was the site selected by the <br />sheriff and his staff at the time the planning process began for a new jail at a remote <br />location, and the room has been fitted for this purpose. He said the sheriff's request did not <br />provide enough information to allow the board to make an informed decision. <br /> <br />Sheriff Don Rudnick was present and said his staff believes the area in the north basement <br />has more advantages than the room they are currently using on the second floor. He <br />identified some of the costs of moving temporary holding to the basement, including $2,000 <br />for adding a bathroom and $5,000 for three 10' x 10' holding cells with secure, enclosed <br />tops. He said if the cells are installed at the second floor site and had to be moved later to <br />the basement, it would cost $7,600 for reinstallation. The only other cost would be for the <br />gate locking mechanism being made at Larson welding, according to She,riff Rudnick. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer asked if the sheriff has spoken to a plumber about installing a bathroom in the <br />basement, and Mr. Rudnick said he had a quote of $2,000. A small room at the back could <br />be used for a bathroom, or if it is not possible to have a bathroom, the room could be used <br />for attorney visitations or for the staff computer equipment, he said. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said he suggested forming a committee to review the request because there are <br />some issues that need to be answered, and the committee could move in a timely manner. <br />He said the sheriff received an estimate from the fence company for holding cells, but there <br />is no written proposal on the scope of work and cost from a plumber for the bathroom. He <br />said there is a water supply to the sink in the north basement but no drain for bathroom <br />plumbing. Sheriff Rudnick said he is not concerned if a bathroom cannot be added. The <br />basement area could provide for a bathroom, if necessary, but the second floor holding room <br />could not. The basement provides better security for staff, according to the sheriff. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner also said the northwest entrance door, which the sheriff anticipates using, may <br />not be available for an extended period of time because of contractors working at the old jail <br />site, and it may be a liability issue. Sheriff Rudnick said he talked to the county recorder and <br />county treasurer, whose offices are on the end of the courthouse where the inmates will <br />enter the building, and they are not concerned with it. He also talked to District Court judges <br />about using the north entrance which they use, and they would have no problem with <br />inmates being taken to the basement using the fire escape door. <br />MOT/ON, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to authorize the Sheriff's <br />Department to use the north end of the basement for temporary holding <br />cells for inmates awaiting court hearings. Discussion: Mr. Vanyo said <br />the cost of moving video equipment from the second floor to the north <br />basement is not included in the sheriff's cost estimates. Mr. Rudnick said <br />his department can move all of the video equipment so there will not be <br />any additional costs for that. Mr. Meyer asked if the cost for the <br />temporary holding cells could be paid from revenues raised by the jail <br />sales tax fund, and Mr. Montplaisir said that would be possible. <br />
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