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CHAPTER 53-02 <br /> DANCES, DANCING PLACES, AND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES <br /> 53-02-01. Definitions. <br /> In this chapter, unless the context or subject matter otherwise requires: <br /> 1. "Music festival" means a musical performance by one or more groups held out of <br /> doors with the audience being present primarily for the purpose of listening to music. <br /> 2. "Person" means a natural person, firm, association, corporation, or limited liability <br /> company. <br /> 3. "Public concert" means a musical performance by one or more groups held indoors <br /> where the audience is seated by reserve or general admission with the audience being <br /> present primarily for the purpose of listening to music and the location of such musical <br /> performance having a seating capacity of at least one thousand people. <br /> 4. "Public dance" means any dance where the public may participate and is present <br /> primarily for the sole purpose of dancing and where the location of the dance has a <br /> capacity of at least one hundred people. <br /> 5. "Public dancing place" means a room, place, or space, which has a capacity of at least <br /> one hundred people, open to public patronage where dancing in which the public may <br /> participate is carried on and where the public is present primarily for the sole purpose <br /> of dancing. <br /> 53-02-02. Permit for public dance, music festival, or public concert required - <br /> Exception. <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. <br /> 53-02-03. Who shall issue permits - Permit not transferable. <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. <br /> 53-02-04. Refusal of permit- Reasons in writing -Appeal. <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. <br /> .its! t.1_ <br /> 53-02-05. Application for permit-Special permits. <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. iN4',10Y <br /> 53-02-06. Inquiry by governing body as to granting a permit. ` <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. <br /> 53-02-07. Public dancing place -Restrictions. <br /> Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 544, § 3. <br /> 53-02-08. Officer of law to be in attendance at public dance, music festival, or public <br /> concert. <br /> The sheriff in any county in which any public dance, music festival, or public concert is held <br /> outside of an incorporated city, and the chief peace officer of the city where the dance, music <br /> festival, or public concert is held within the limits of a city, may police the dance, music festival, <br /> or public concert so that law and order are there maintained. The sheriff or the chief peace <br /> officer shall determine the number, if any, of deputy sheriffs, special officers, or licensed private <br /> security officers needed to police the dance, music festival, or public concert properly. The <br /> person conducting the dance, music festival, or public concert, before the dance, music festival, <br /> or public concert is held, shall pay to the sheriff, peace officer, or licensed private security <br /> provider the expense of any deputy sheriff, special officer, or licensed private security officer <br /> required for the proper policing of the dance, music festival, or public concert, and no dance, <br /> music festival, or public concert may be permitted to proceed unless the officer or officers are <br /> present and the fees are paid. The holding of a dance, music festival, or public concert without <br /> giving notice of the dance, music festival, or public concert to the sheriff of the county or the <br /> -•e No. 1 <br />