4. Property tax incentive-City View Fuel LLC
County Commission
Regular agenda
4. Property tax incentive-City View Fuel LLC
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7/1/2014 11:47:41 AM
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Incentives for New or Expanding Businesses Guideline Page 3 <br /> 18. The tax incentives are valid as long as the property is used for the purposes stated in the application. <br /> If there is a change in use or project operator, a new application for the incentives must be filed with <br /> and approved by the municipality to receive the remainder of the incentives. <br /> Limitations <br /> 19. A project is not eligible for the property tax incentives if the project received a tax exemption under <br /> tax increment financing. <br /> 20. The tax exemption and the payments in lieu of taxes are limited to the new or existing buildings or <br /> structures used in the qualifying project. <br /> 21. Tax incentives may not be granted for land. <br /> 22. Payments in lieu of taxes are not eligible for the 5%discount for early payment. <br /> Procedures <br /> 23. The project operator applies to the governing body of the municipality where the potential project <br /> is to be located. If the project will be within city limits,the project operator applies to the city <br /> governing body. If the project is outside city limits, application is made to the county commission. <br /> * 24. The municipality forwards the application to the Department of Commerce, Division of Economic <br /> Development and Finance,P.O. Box 2057, Bismarck, ND 58502-2057, for its review and <br /> recommendation as to the eligibility of the project as a primary sector business. <br /> 25. Application for the property tax exemption must be made and granted prior to the commencement <br /> of construction if the project locates in a new structure. If the project locates in an existing structure, <br /> application must be made and granted before the structure is occupied. <br /> For qualifying projects,applications for payments in lieu of property taxes may be made after <br /> construction or occupancy of the structure. <br /> A representative appointed by the board of each affected school district and of each affected <br /> township is included as a non-voting member during the negotiation and deliberation of granting tax <br /> incentives. <br /> 26. The project operator publishes two notices to competitors of hearing on the application. The notices <br /> are published in the official newspaper of the city or county at least one week apart.The last notice <br /> must be published at least 15 days, but not more than 30 days, before the city or county considers <br /> the application.For example,notices published one week apart on May 1 and May 8 would be <br /> appropriate for a hearing scheduled any time between May 23 and June 7.An affidavit of publication <br /> is presented to the governing body prior to the hearing as proof of publication. Publication of <br /> notices is not required if the municipality determines that project competitors do not exist in the <br /> municipality. <br /> G-17 <br />
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