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Finally, Mr. McNair lists the ratio of our current value to the prices paid in six sale <br /> transactions in this complex. Units 301 & 306 are the two units I referred to that were <br /> purchased as a shell and construction completed as part of the transaction. <br /> On Unit 303, our value is currently 5% above the sale price seven years ago. Our current <br /> value for Unit 202 is within 1% of the sale price a little over one year ago. For Unit 302, <br /> our current value is 10% over the sale price four years ago. And, our current value is <br /> within one percent of the sale price one year ago for Unit 305. <br /> In summary, the difference in our appraised value and sale prices on the transactions Mr. <br /> McNair points out shows that we are very close in ratio of value to sale price on the most <br /> recent market sales. <br /> Further, a sales ratio analysis of the 15 sales since 2011 of downtown loft condominium <br /> units between 1,000 and 1,300 square feet indicates a median ratio of 97.6% of sale price. <br /> The measure of uniformity used in assessment is called the coefficient of dispersion. It <br /> represents basically the amount of fluctuation of individual ratios compared to the <br /> median. Industry standards consider a coefficient of 10 or less to be good for typical <br /> residential properties. Our coefficient on these 15 sales is 9.7. Even though it could be <br /> argued that the downtown loft condominiums are somewhat atypical residential <br /> properties, our uniformity measure is still within industry standards. <br /> In summary, I believe that our analysis and appraisal model which has been applied to 12 <br /> Broadway, Unit 203 and similar units, reflects the most reasonable estimate of current <br /> market value, 1 therefore, recommend supporting our current value of$266,400. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br /> Respect ly, <br /> Ben lIushka <br /> Fargo City Assessor <br />