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Commission Minutes—September 7, 2010 3756 <br /> value to $5,000 for 2008, but when Mr. Hildebrant failed to appear at the hearing and asked <br /> to dismiss his request, she recommended the abatement be denied and the applicant <br /> appeal to the county. She said in lieu of dismissal, she recommended the abatement be <br /> heard at the county level. Also, the city commission had questions regarding the contract <br /> for deed, and this was another reason they chose to deny the request, since the applicant <br /> did not appear at the hearing. <br /> After some questions from the board regarding the value on the property, she stated she <br /> does not object to the residential structure value being reduced to $5,000 for 2008. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to reduce the 2008 <br /> residential structure value to $5,000 on abatement application #4339 for <br /> John Hildebrant. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 0 JAIL INMATE PHONE SERVICE, Agreement approved with SECURUS Technologies <br /> Lt. Colonel Glenn Ellingsberg was present to discuss proposals for inmate phone service at <br /> the Cass County Jail. He said proposals were received from Reliance Telephone, Inc., <br /> NCIC Inmate Phone Service, and SECURUS Technologies, Inc. After review, their office <br /> recommends the board approve an agreement with SECURUS Technologies, Inc. This <br /> company also provides service to Clay County and the North Dakota State Penitentiary and <br /> will provide Cass County with a system using current technology while allowing for future <br /> enhancements and upgrades. The agreement is for five years and will automatically renew <br /> for successive two-year periods unless cancelled by either party. The county will receive a <br /> 50% commission on gross revenues. <br /> Mr. Pawluk is uncomfortable with the county generating revenue through this service and <br /> does not believe inmates should have to pay to make phone calls. <br /> Mr. Ellingsberg said inmates do have access to the outside through visitation and mail. He <br /> said the majority of the inmates do not have problems paying for phone calls and have <br /> sufficient funds for commissary Items as well. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wagner moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to authorize the chairman <br /> sign an agreement with SECURUS Technologies, Inc. to provide an <br /> inmate phone system at the Cass County Jail. Discussion: Mr. Pawluk is <br /> still uncomfortable with generating revenue for this service, but will not <br /> object to approval of the contract. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> 15. ROAD DEPARTMENT, Authorized to proceed with contract for turn lane extension at <br /> Tharaldson Ethanol Plant <br /> Keith Berndt, County Engineer, was present. He said Cass County Highway 23 was <br /> constructed between 1-94 and Cass County Highway 10 in 2007 and turn lanes were <br /> included to accommodate truck traffic turning into the Tharaldson Ethanol Plant. He was <br /> notified truck traffic waiting to enter the site from the south backs up on Cass County <br /> Highway 23, especially in the morning. This issue causes a safety concern because <br /> through traffic are passing trucks in the left turn lane. He said during busy times of the year, <br /> between 300 and 350 trucks travel to the plant. <br />