1c. Road-Central Specialties subgrade repair project
County Commission
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1c. Road-Central Specialties subgrade repair project
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Cass,County Highway Department <br /> Contract Bond <br /> Project Nos. CH1408 <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Central Specialties, Inc.,6325 County Road 87 SW,Alexandria, <br /> MN 56308 <br /> as principal, and <br /> NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY <br /> as surety, are held and firmly bound unto Cass County, North Dakota, as owner in the penal sum of Nine Hundred <br /> Seventy-Four Thousand, Four Hundred Thirty-Five dollars and 80/100($974,435.80)for the use of the owner and <br /> also for the use of any person having any lawful claim against the principal or any subcontractor on account of labor <br /> or supplies or materials as set forth in the conditions hereof;for the payment of which well and truly to be made we <br /> jointly and severally bind ourselves, and each of our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, firmly by <br /> these presents. <br /> WHEREAS, said principal has entered into a written contract with the owner for: <br /> CH1408 Subqrade Repair on Cass County Highway 3 from Highway 26 to Highway 4 in Cass County, North <br /> Dakota,which contract and incorporated plans and specifications are by this reference made a part hereof, and are <br /> hereinafter referred to as the contract. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS THAT if the principal shall: (1) perform all the <br /> terms, covenants and conditions of said contract; (2)protect the owner against any loss or damage from any cause <br /> arising out of said contract; (3) pay or cause to be paid all bills and claims against the principal or any subcontractor <br /> on account of labor or services performed and all materials, equipment or supplies furnished, whether directly or <br /> indirectly arising out of the performance of said contract; (4) pay all insurance premiums and all items for which <br /> payment under the terms of the contract is to be made or guaranteed by the principal; (5) have made or will make, <br /> prior to the commencement of any work by the principal or any subcontractor under such contract, full and true <br /> report to the Worker's Compensation Bureau of the payroll expenditures for the employees to be engaged in such <br /> work, and that the principal has paid, or will pay,the premium thereon prior to the commencement of such work; (6) <br /> pay or cause to be paid all contributions due to the Unemployment Compensation Division; and (7) pay or cause to <br /> be paid any and all taxes that may be assessed or levied or to be a charge against such contractor or any <br /> subcontractor under such contract by the state or any of its subdivisions;then this obligation shall be null and void; <br /> otherwise it will remain in full force and effect. <br /> And the said surety hereby stipulates and agrees that any change, extension, alteration, deduction or addition,with <br /> or without notice to the surety, in or to the terms of said contract or the plans or the specifications accompanying the <br /> same as provided for therein, shall not in anywise affect the obligation and liability of said surety on this bond. <br /> 1 of 3 <br />
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