d. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
d. Contract approval
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PLANNED USE OF FUNDS <br /> Pursuant to the JABG program requirements, local advisory boards are required to develop a coordinated enforcement plan for <br /> addressing juvenile justice system needs. Briefly describe below the program(s)and/or service(s)outlined in the local plan and their <br /> intended outcomes. <br /> Problem Statement: <br /> In 1994,the State of North Dakota Juvenile Court System adopted a balanced approach to restorative justice which has <br /> served the state and local jurisdictions well. Cass County was and still is in agreement with that balanced approach and <br /> recognizes that intervention programs reduce recidivism of juvenile offenders. Our Coalition believes Juvenile offenders <br /> that attend intervention programs are less likely to re-offend or graduate to more serious offenses. <br /> Proposed Activities to be funded with JABG dollars: <br /> 1. Our coalition requests grand funds so we can support an alternative to formal court proceedings for youth who have <br /> been charged with an offense. Participants of Youth Court are held accountable for their actions, while at the same time, <br /> are able to keep their record clean and learn from their mistakes. <br /> 2. Our coalition requests grant funds so we can support a structured Theft Awareness and Prevention Program(TAP) <br /> which can help reduce recidivism of theft related offienses committed by juvenile offenders. Through early intervention, <br /> juvenile offenders can receive help by examining and discussing why youth steal; learning potential consequences of <br /> further theft offenses and looking at peer pressure and its effect on behavior. <br /> Goal(s)to be achieved: <br /> 1. Provide Juvenile offenders an opportunity to be held accountable for their actions by appearing before their peers in <br /> Youth Court and address the harm created from their behavior by having meaningful consequences imposed. <br /> 2. Provide Juvenile offenders a structured intervention program to reduce recidivism of theft related offenses report to <br /> Juvenile Court by local law enforcement agencies. <br /> Objectives to reach the desired goals (Objectives need to be measurable, observable aspects of the program. Identify <br /> who/what will change and by how much. Use absolute numbers, not percentages): <br /> 90%of those given graduated sanctions will successfully complete the program each reporting period. <br /> Less than 10%of the juvenile offenders provided graduated sanctions will reoffend during each reporting period. <br /> 27 individuals will be trained each reporting period for a total of 108 trained by end of grant. <br /> Are JABG funds being used to implement an evidence-based program? No <br /> If yes: <br /> Indicate the name of the evidence-based program implemented: <br /> What is the source of the evidence-based program model: <br /> JABG-5 <br />
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