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Commission Minutes—January 21, 2014 4253 <br /> - Farmland Services—contract to conduct field work for assessments in cities <br /> and townships (costs will be billed back to entities); <br /> - Automated Pawn System—service and software license agreement for <br /> Sheriff's Office staff to access lists of stolen items in Minnesota pawn shops. <br /> 6. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, Annex and Jail generator upgrades approved <br /> Keith Berndt, County Administrator, said new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) <br /> emission standards will require the county to either replace or upgrade generators at the <br /> Cass County Annex and Cass County Jail. He previously received quotes for emissions <br /> equipment and replacement generators. This item was tabled from the last meeting in order <br /> to gather additional information on annual operating expenses and associated costs to <br /> participate in the off-peak program through Xcel Energy. <br /> Since the last meeting, Mr. Berndt looked at obtaining additional bids and spoke with the <br /> local Cummins dealer, who declined to bid on a generator that meets the new emissions <br /> standards. He reviewed the operating history of both generators and said they have been <br /> used minimally over the last few years. His recommendation is to replace the Annex <br /> generator at a cost of $153,000, since the existing one is 20 years old, and to upgrade the <br /> Jail generator at a cost of $58,000. <br /> There was a discussion about the cost since this is an unbudgeted item for 2014. Mr. <br /> Berndt said funds are available in General Fund reserves to cover the expense. Michael <br /> Montplaisir, County Auditor, said a budget adjustment would be needed, which normally <br /> would be done at the end of the year. <br /> Mr. Berndt obtained cost estimates through an informal proposal process. Mr. Pawluk <br /> questioned whether there are any additional vendors in the area that sell generators, and <br /> asked if a formal bidding process may generate additional bids. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Peterson moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve the purchase of <br /> a new generator for the Cass County Annex at an estimated cost of <br /> $153,000 and upgrade the generator for the Cass County Jail at an <br /> estimated cost of $58,000 with the intent of seeking public bids. On roll <br /> call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 7. HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM (HMGP), County engineer to coordinate <br /> additional acquisitions <br /> Mr. Berndt presented this item for County Engineer Jason Benson, who was unable to <br /> attend today's meeting. The City of Fargo applied for $25 million in Hazard Mitigation Grant <br /> Program (HMGP) funds to construct a levee on 2nd Street, which is now a component of the <br /> diversion project and no longer qualifies for HMGP funding. Fargo has some other projects <br /> that qualify; however, $6 to $8 million may still be available for flood home acquisitions. <br /> Recently, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) adjusted two criteria <br /> regarding buyouts: any structure under $276,000 and within the 100-year flood plain will be <br /> allowed to use a streamlined process that eliminates the need for a benefit cost analysis <br /> and will automatically be considered for a buyout. <br /> The county engineer has evaluated numerous areas for potential buyouts, and determined <br /> the most vulnerable houses that are most difficult to protect are located along County <br /> Highway 81 on the Red River. He identified 49 properties including all remaining homes <br />
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