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INSTRUCTIONS: <br /> After a city or county governing board has authorized an organization to receive a local permit or charity local <br /> permit, the city or county auditor must complete this form. <br /> 1. Enter the city or county assigned "Permit Number." <br /> 2. Enter the beginning and ending date(s) for which the permit is authorized. <br /> a. A permit must be on a fiscal year basis from July first to June thirtieth or on a calendar-year basis. <br /> b. For a"one time" raffle, the beginning and ending dates for"Date(s)Authorized" is the date of the prize <br /> drawing. <br /> c. A local permit can be issued for one or more events per year. <br /> d. If a local permit is issued for more than one event, enter the date of the first event as the"beginning" <br /> date and the date of the last event as the"ending"date. <br /> e. A permit may not be issued more than six months prior to the first raffle drawing date. <br /> f. A charity local permit may be issued for only one event per year. If the organization has received a <br /> local permit during the fiscal year, it may not receive a charity local permit. If the organization received <br /> a charity local permit during the fiscal year, it may not receive a local permit. <br /> 3. Enter any restriction placed on the organization, such as days of the week or designation of an area at a site <br /> where games may be conducted. <br /> 4. Provide a"Report on a Charity Local Permit"form to the organization. (If a Charity Local Permit,only) <br /> 5. Make two copies of the completed form. Provide the original form to the organization, keep one copy for the <br /> file and,within fourteen days of issuance, mail a copy to: OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL; LICENSING <br /> SECTION; 600 E BOULEVARD AVE- DEPT 125; BISMARCK ND 58505-0040. <br /> If questions on the local permit or charity local permit process, please contact Missy Tesky at: 1-800-326-9240 <br />