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Low lever of organic compounds which could also be a false reading were noted <br /> No sulfurs or carbon monoxide detected <br /> No gas substrates have been detected however some particulates have been detected to a level to just <br /> remain indoors. <br /> Central air heating systems will filter some of the particles which will help. <br /> Going between your car and a business,or a short time outside is OK, but once again only go out if you <br /> have to. <br /> Updates for tomorrows forecast which will be updated at 0700 meeting. <br /> Temps,wind, and fire on site will determine pollutants. Removing cars from the wreckage will help in <br /> dispersing the particles. <br /> CTEH will be looking for good right of way to hang canisters that will monitor the air for 24 hrs. <br /> Look for an evaluation to be done and based upon the 1200 air quality report to open up a Casselton to <br /> all citizens, but 3500 won't make the decision until closer to noon. He wants to hear what CTEH has to <br /> advise first. <br /> Tara will be advised to do a media release at 0600 to inform residences and businesses to stay put until <br /> noon. <br /> As long as you don't have any lung or breathing issues you should be OK to go without an N-95 mask. <br /> The very old,and the very young should stay inside. <br /> Alan C. Nye PH.D from CTEH staff praised the Sheriff's Office and deputies for their preparation and <br /> professionalism during this incident. Alan is their senior toxicologist.501-258-7137 <br /> 0335-Don Haney from KFGO called looking for a media update. All is quiet. <br /> 0345-John Trierweiler from KVLY TV 11 will be here to do a ride along with Cpl.Tony Krogh at approx. <br /> 0430-0500 h rs. <br /> 0430-John Trierweiler arrived for a ride along. <br /> 0440- Naomi from the twin cities media called for an update on percentage of Casselton got evacuated, <br /> was an engineer hurt, and weather conditions. <br /> 0440-Jeneva Anderson 701-328-8140 from North Dakota Emergency Management called looking for an <br /> update on air quality in the Casselton area.Wanted to know if the press release can be streamed? <br /> Jeneva would also like a phone call after the 0700 meeting. Info passed onto 3539. <br /> 0500-Sheriff Laney phone interview with CNN <br />