3. Election/early voting pct
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3. Election/early voting pct
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<br />Page 1 <br /> <br />Citation/Title <br />NO Code 16.1-07-15, Early voting precinct--Election board appointment--Closing <br />and canvassing <br /> <br />*7826 N.D. Code 16.1-07-15 <br /> <br />WEST'S NORTH DAKOTA CODE <br />TITLE 16.1. ELECTIONS <br />CHAPTER 16.1-07. ABSENT VOTERS' BALLOTS AND ABSENTEE VOTING <br />Current throught the 2003 Regular and Special Sessions of the 58th Legislative Assembly (2003) <br /> <br />§ 16.1-07-15. Early voting precinct--Election board appointment--Closing and canvassing <br /> <br />1. For any primary, general, or special statewide, district, or county election, the board of county commissioners may, before <br />the sixtieth day before the day of the election, create a special precinct, known as an early voting precinct, to facilitate the <br />conduct of early voting in that county according to chapters 16.1-13 and 16.1-15. The election board of the early voting <br />precinct must be known as the early voting precinct election board. The county auditor shall supply the board with all <br />necessary election supplies as provided in chapter 16.1-06. <br />2. If the board of county commissioners establishes an early voting precinct according to this section, the following <br />provisions apply: <br />a. Early voting must be authorized during the fifteen days immediately before the day of the election. The <br />county auditor shall designate the business days and times during which the early voting election precinct will <br />be open and publish notice of the dates and times in the official county newspaper once each week for three <br />consecutive weeks immediately before the day of the election. <br />b. The county auditor shall appoint the early voting precinct election board that consists of one independent <br />representative to act as the inspector and an equal number of representatives from each political party <br />represented on an election board in the county, as set out in section 16.1-05-01, to act as judges. Each official of <br />the board shall take the oath required by section 16.1-05-02 and must be compensated as provided in section <br />16.1-05-05. <br />c. The county auditor shall designate a space in a government-controlled facility, accessible to the elderly and <br />the physically disabled as provided in section 16.1-04-02, to locate the early voting precinct. <br />d. At the close of each day of early voting, the inspector, along with a judge from each political party <br />represented on the board shall secure all election related materials, including: <br />(1) The pollbooks and access to any electronically maintained pollbooks. <br />(2) Any stamp and inkpad. <br />(3) The ballot boxes containing voted ballots. <br />*7827 (4) Any void, spoiled, and unvoted ballots. <br />e. Ballot boxes containing ballots cast at an early voting precinct may not be opened until the day of the election. <br />f. The early voting precinct may be closed, as provided in chapter 16.1-15, at the end of the last business day <br />designated for early voting in the county. Results from the early voting precinct may be counted, canvassed, or <br />released under chapter 16.1-15 as soon as any precinct within the county, city, or legislative district closes its <br />polls on the day of the election. The county auditor shall designate a location for the closing, counting, and <br />canvassing process under chapter 16.1-15, which location must be open to any person for the purpose of <br />observing. <br />g. The early voting precinct election board shall comply with the requirements of chapters 16.1-05, 16.1-13, and <br />16.1-]5, as applicable. <br /> <br />Added by L.20()3. c. 175. § 6. efJ. AlIg ], 2003. <br /> <br />Search this disc for cases citing this section. <br /> <br />@ 2004 West, a Thomson business. No claim to original u.s. Govt. works. <br />
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