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Cass County recognizes may issue two types of evacuation notices: voluntary and <br /> mandatory. <br /> Voluntary Evacuation <br /> Residents are encouraged to evacuate when there is a significant potential threat of <br /> flooding to life or property. This will be issued when the expected time frame for the threat <br /> is six to 48 hours. Notification will be through CodeRED and media outlets. A voluntary <br /> evacuation may target specific populations, such as nursing home residents or hospital <br /> patients or specific geographical locations. <br /> Cass County will also use voluntary evacuations as a precursor to mandatory evacuations <br /> to reduce the number of people when the likelihood of a mandatory evacuation order is <br /> high but timing is not precise or predictable. Voluntary evacuations may also be used for <br /> locations at greater risk and those prone to higher levels of congestion that would hinder <br /> mitigation activities. <br /> Officials will provide reasons for a voluntary evacuation, enabling citizens to make informed <br /> decisions based on personal situations. <br /> Mandatory Evacuation <br /> This is a warning that an imminent threat to life and property exists and individuals MUST <br /> evacuate in accordance with the instructions of local officials. This will be issued for <br /> immediate threats with an anticipated timeframe of zero to six hours. Notifications will be <br /> routed through all available means including warning sirens, door -to -door notification, <br /> CodeRED, and media outlets. A mandatory evacuation may target vulnerable populations <br /> such as nursing home residents or hospital patients as well as populations in specific <br /> geographical locations. <br /> Individuals who choose not to evacuate need to be prepared to accept the consequences <br /> of limited or no access to food, water, or basic services for an extended period of time. In <br /> addition, people must understand that rescues into areas previously evacuated may not be <br /> timely or possible. <br /> n. <br /> Tur n# water at the meter <br /> frcczing pipes. <br /> County docs not have a database to track homeowners who have vacated; <br /> relatives. <br /> pots. <br />